Athletic Fields Resources

Professional and Continuing Education Turfgrass Management Program

Professional and Continuing Education Turfgrass Management Program

Whether you work for a lawn care company, manage an athletic field, landscape at a city park, work at a golf course or just want the best lawn on your block, our turfgrass management program can help you succeed.  This program is also great for anyone interested in a profession that deals with lawn care. If you work for a hardware or lawn care store and field customer questions or consult with landscape architects, this course will give you the language, knowledge and skills needed to succeed.

List of Courses 


(Agrostis sp.)



Previous work reported by Crystal Fricker at Pure Seed Testing Inc. demonstrated that it is possible to develop tall fescues and fine fescues that have relatively good tolerance to low rates of glyphosate. This trial is part of an ongoing effort to evaluate tolerance of tall fescues and other grasses to glyphosate at rates that are effective in controlling annual bluegrass.

This publication examines the cultural, mechanical and chemical control of moss in lawns.

December 1, 1998

Explains the basics of germination, purity, seed tags, seeds per pound, blends, mixtures, and overseeding. Provides seeding and overseeding recommendations for putting greens, tees, fairways, sports fields, home lawns, cemeteries, roadsides, and slope stabilization for Idaho, and western and eastern Oregon and Washington. Describes the characteristics and uses of new cultivars of turftype tall fescues and provides average number of seeds per pound for common turfgrasses. Intended for homeowners, seed companies, sales people, and turfgrass managers.