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J. J. Wu and Segerson, K., The impact of policies and land characteristics on potential groundwater pollution in Wisconsin, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 77, pp. 1033–1047, 1995.
J. J. Wu and Babcock, B. A., Contract design for the purchase of environmental goods from agriculture, American journal of agricultural economics, vol. 78, pp. 935–945, 1996.
J. J. Wu and Babcock, B. A., The choice of tillage, rotation, and soil testing practices: Economic and environmental implications, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 80, pp. 494–511, 1998.
J. J. Wu, Crop insurance, acreage decisions, and nonpoint-source pollution, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 81, pp. 305–320, 1999.
J. J. Wu and Babcock, B. A., The relative efficiency of voluntary vs mandatory environmental regulations, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 38, pp. 158–175, 1999.
J. J. Wu and Babcock, B. A., Metamodeling potential nitrate water pollution in the central United States, Journal of Environmental Quality, vol. 28, pp. 1916–1928, 1999.
J. J. Wu and Boggess, W. G., The optimal allocation of conservation funds, Journal of Environmental Economics and management, vol. 38, pp. 302–321, 1999.
J. J. Wu and Skelton-Groth, K., Targeting conservation efforts in the presence of threshold effects and ecosystem linkages, Ecological Economics, vol. 42, pp. 313–331, 2002.
J. J. Wu, Input substitution and pollution control under uncertainty and firm heterogeneity, Journal of Public Economic Theory, vol. 2, pp. 273–288, 2000.
J. J. Wu, Adams, R., and Boggess, W. G., Cumulative effects and optimal targeting of conservation efforts: Steelhead trout habitat enhancement in Oregon, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 82, pp. 400–413, 2000.
J. J. Wu, Slippage effects of the conservation reserve program, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 82, pp. 979–992, 2000.
J. J. Wu and Babcock, B. A., Spatial heterogeneity and the choice of instruments to control nonpoint pollution, Environmental and Resource Economics, vol. 18, pp. 173–192, 2001.
J. J. Wu, Zilberman, D., and Babcock, B. A., Environmental and distributional impacts of conservation targeting strategies, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 41, pp. 333–350, 2001.
J. J. Wu, Environmental amenities and the spatial pattern of urban sprawl, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, pp. 691–697, 2001.
J. J. Wu and Cho, S. - H., Estimating households’ preferences for environmental amenities using equilibrium models of local jurisdictions, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, vol. 50, pp. 189–206, 2003.
J. J. Wu and Plantinga, A. J., The influence of public open space on urban spatial structure, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 46, pp. 288–309, 2003.
J. J. Wu, Adams, R., Kling, C. L., and Tanaka, K., From microlevel decisions to landscape changes: an assessment of agricultural conservation policies, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 86, pp. 26–41, 2004.
J. J. Wu and Tanaka, K., Reducing nitrogen runoff from the Upper Mississippi River Basin to control hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico: Easements or taxes?, Marine Resource Economics, pp. 121–144, 2005.
J. J. Wu, Environmental amenities, urban sprawl, and community characteristics, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 52, pp. 527–547, 2006.
J. J. Wu and Cho, S. - H., The effect of local land use regulations on urban development in the Western United States, Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol. 37, pp. 69–86, 2007.
J. J. Wu, How Does Suburbanization Affect Local Public Finance and Communities?, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, vol. 29, pp. 564–571, 2007.
J. J. Wu and Irwin, E. G., Optimal land development with endogenous environmental amenities, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 90, pp. 232–248, 2008.
J. J. Wu and Gopinath, M., What causes spatial variations in economic development in the United States?, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 90, pp. 392–408, 2008.
J. J. Wu and Wirkkala, T. M., Firms' motivations for environmental overcompliance, Review of Law & Economics, vol. 5, pp. 399–433, 2009.
J. J. Wu, Environmental compliance: the good, the bad, and the super green, Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 90, pp. 3363–3381, 2009.