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A. I. Bary, Sullivan, D. M., Fransen, S. C., and Cogger, C. G., Supercow, Agronomy Journal, vol. 93, no. 6, p. 1344, 2001.
C. G. Cogger, Bary, A. I., Fransen, S. C., and Sullivan, D. M., Seven Years of Biosolids versus Inorganic Nitrogen Applications to Tall Fescue, Journal of Environment Quality, vol. 30, no. 6, p. 2188, 2001.
C. Henry, Sullivan, D. M., Rynk, R., Dorsey, K., and Cogger, C. G., Managing nitrogen from biosolids, Seattle: Washington State Department of Ecology, 1999.
C. G. Cogger, Bary, A. I., and Sullivan, D. M., Fertilizing with yard trimmings, Washington State University Cooperative Extension, 2002.
A. I. Bary, Sullivan, D. M., and Cogger, C. G., Fertilizing with manure and other organic amendments, Washington State University. Extension., 2016.
A. I. Bary, Sullivan, D. M., and Cogger, C. G., Fertilizing with manure, Washington State University. Extension, 2000.
A. I. Bary, Sullivan, D. M., and Cogger, C. G., Fertilizing farmland with yard trimmings from landscape maintenance, Pullman, Washington: Washington State University. Extension., 2016.
C. G. Cogger, Sullivan, D. M., and Kropf, J. A., Cómo hacer y usar el compost, Oregon State University, Extension Service, 2001.
C. G. Cogger, Bary, A. I., Sullivan, D. M., and Myhre, E. A., Biosolids Processing Effects on First- and Second-Year Available Nitrogen, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 68, no. 1, p. 162, 2004.
C. G. Cogger and Sullivan, D. M., Backyard Composting, Cooperative Extension, Washington State University, 2001.