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Journal Article
P. H. R. M. Martinez, Buurman, P., Nascimento, D. Luciano do, Almquist, V., and Vidal-Torrado, P., Substantial changes in podzol morphology after tree‐roots modify soil porosity and hydrology in a tropical coastal rainforest, Plant and Soil, 2021.
J. M. Lopes-Mazzetto, Buurman, P., Schellekens, J., Martinez, P. H. R. M., and Vidal-Torrado, P., Soil morphology related to hydrology and degradation in tropical coastal podzols (SE Brazil)., Catena, vol. 162, pp. 1-13, 2018.
P. H. R. M. Martinez, Buurman, P., Lopes-Mazzeto, J. Millani, Nascimento, D. Luciano do, and Vidal-Torado, P., Podzolisation preserves ichnofossils of ghost shrimp, Catena, 2019.
P. H. R. M. Martinez, Burrman, P., Lopez-Mazzeto, J. M., Giannini, P. C., and Vidal-Torrado, P., Geomorphological control on podzolisation - an example from a tropical barrier island, Geomorphology, 2018.
P. H. R. M. Martinez and Souza, I. F., Genesis of pseudo-sand structure in Oxisols from Brazil – A review, Geoderma Regional, 2020.
D. Luciano do Nascimento, Martinez, P. H. R. M., Batezelli, A., Ladeira, F., and Correa, L., From the micromorphology of paleoweathering fronts to paleoenvironmental analysis: A case study of the Cretaceous dune fields of Sanfranciscana Basin, Brazil, Catena, vol. 211, 2022.
P. H. R. M. Martinez, Silva, L. C. R., Calegari, M. R., Camargo, P. B., Vidal-Torrado, P., and Kleber, M., Carbon stocks in Umbric Ferralsols driven by plant productivity and geomorphic processes, not by mineral protection, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2021.