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E. S. Gale, Sullivan, D. M., Cogger, C. G., Bary, A. I., Hemphill, D. D., and Myhre, E. A., Estimating Plant-Available Nitrogen Release from Manures, Composts, and Specialty Products, Journal of Environment Quality, vol. 35, no. 6, p. 2321, 2006.
F. J. Larney, Sullivan, D. M., Buckley, K. E., and Eghball, B., The role of composting in recycling manure nutrients, Canadian Journal of Soil Science, vol. 86, no. 4, pp. 597 - 611, 2006.
T. L. Matteson and Sullivan, D. M., Stability Evaluation of Mixed Food Waste Composts, Compost Science & Utilization, vol. 14, no. 32, pp. 170 - 177, 2006.
G. M Buamscha, Altland, J. E., Sullivan, D. M., Horneck, D. A., and Cassidy, J. R., Chemical and physical properties of Douglas fir bark relevant to the production of container plants, HortScience, 2007.
B. G. Hopkins, Horneck, D. A., Stevens, R. G., Ellsworth, J. W., and Sullivan, D. M., Managing irrigation water quality for crop production in the Pacific Northwest, Oregon State University Extension Service, 2007.
D. A. Horneck, Ellsworth, J. W., Hopkins, B. G., Sullivan, D. M., and Stevens, R. G., Managing saltaffected soils for crop production, PNW 601-E, 2007.
H. D., Ellsworth, J. W., Hopkins, B. G., Sullivan, D. M., and Stevens, R. G., Managing salt-affected soils for crop production, Oregon State University Extension Service, 2007.
T. Downing, Sullivan, D. M., Hart, J. M., and Gamroth, M. J., Manure application rates for forage production, Extension Service, Oregon State University, 2007.
G. M Buamscha, Altland, J. E., Sullivan, D. M., and Horneck, D. A., Micronutrient availability in fresh and aged Douglas fir bark, HortScience, 2007.
P. Kleinman, Sullivan, D. M., Wolf, A., Brandt, R., Dou, Z., Elliott, H., Kovar, J., Leytem, A., Maguire, R., Moore, P., Saporito, L., Sharpley, A., Shober, A., Sims, T., Toth, J., Toor, G., Zhang, H., and Zhang, T., Selection of a Water-Extractable Phosphorus Test for Manures and Biosolids as an Indicator of Runoff Loss Potential, Journal of Environment Quality, vol. 36, no. 5, p. 1357, 2007.
C. G. Cogger and Sullivan, D. M., Worksheet for calculating biosolids application rates in agriculture, Washington State University Cooperative Extension, 2007.