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Journal Article
D. Nelson Hyder, Conrad, C. E., Tueller, P. T., Calvin, L. D., Poulton, C. E., and Sneva, F. A., Frequency Sampling in Sagebrush-Bunchgrass Vegetation, Ecology, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 740 - 746, 1963.
D. Nelson Hyder, Sneva, F. A., and , Forecasting range herbage production in eastern Oregon, 1962.
F. A. Sneva, Hyder, D. Nelson, and , Fertilization on sagebrush-bunchgrass range: a progress report, 1961.
F. A. Sneva and Hyder, D. Nelson, Estimating Herbage Production on Semiarid Ranges in the Intermountain Region, Journal of Range Management, vol. 15, no. 2, p. 88, 1962.
F. A. Sneva and Hyder, D. Nelson, Effect of form and rate of active ingredient, spraying season, solution volume, and type of solvent on mortality of big sagebrush, Artemisia tridentata, 1955.
D. W. Hedrick, Hyder, D. Nelson, Sneva, F. A., and Poulton, C. E., Ecological Response of Sagebrush-Grass Range in Central Oregon to Mechanical and Chemical Removal of Artemisia, Ecology, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 432 - 439, 1966.
D. Nelson Hyder, Furtick, W. Ralph, and Sneva, F. A., Differences among Butyl, Ethyl, and Isopropyl Ester Formulations of 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T, and MCPA in the Control of Big Sagebrush, Weeds, vol. 6, no. 2, p. 194, 1958.
D. Nelson Hyder, Controlling Big Sagebrush with Growth Regulators, Journal of Range Management, vol. 6, no. 2, p. 109, 1953.
F. A. Sneva and Hyder, D. Nelson, Control of big sagebrush associated with bitterbrush in ponderosa pine, Journal of Forestry, vol. 64, pp. 677–680, 1966.
C. Scott Cooper, Hyder, D. Nelson, Petersen, R. G., and Sneva, F. A., The Constituent Differential Method of Estimating Species Composition in Mixed Hay1, Agronomy Journal, vol. 49, no. 4, p. 190, 1957.
D. Nelson Hyder, Sneva, F. A., and Calvin, L. D., Chemical Control of Sagebrush Larkspur, Journal of Range Management, vol. 9, no. 4, p. 184, 1956.
D. Nelson Hyder, Sneva, F. A., Chilcote, D. O., and Furtick, W. Ralph, Chemical Control of Rabbitbrush with Emphasis upon Simultaneous Control of Big Sagebrush, Weeds, vol. 6, no. 3, p. 289, 1958.
D. Nelson Hyder and Sneva, F. A., Chemical control of foothill deathcamas, Journal of Range Management, pp. 25–27, 1962.
D. Nelson Hyder and Sneva, F. A., Bitterlich's Plotless Method for Sampling Basal Ground Cover of Bunchgrasses, Journal of Range Management, vol. 13, no. 1, p. 6, 1960.
C. Scott Cooper and Hyder, D. Nelson, Adaptability and Yield of Eleven Grasses Grown on the Oregon High Desert, Journal of Range Management, vol. 11, no. 5, p. 235, 1958.
Conference Proceedings
D. Nelson Hyder and Sneva, F. A., Sagebrush control in Oregon, 11th Annual meeting of the American Society of Range Management. Phoenix, AZ, 1985.
D. Nelson Hyder and Sneva, F. A., Sagebrush control in Oregon, 11th Annual meeting of the American Society of Range Management . Phoenix, AZ, 1958.