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R. Sheley, Carpinelli, M. F., and Morghan, K. J. Reever, Effects of Imazapic on Target and Nontarget Vegetation during Revegetation, Weed Technology, vol. 21523210187, no. 04, pp. 1071 - 1081, 2007.
R. Sheley, Sheley, J. L., and Smith, B. S., Economic Savings from Invasive Plant Prevention, Weed Science, vol. 632151949341810, no. 01, pp. 296 - 301, 2015.
R. Sheley, Boyd, C. S., Dobrowolski, J., Hardegree, S. P., James, J. J., and Mangold, J., Editorial: A Scientifically Rigorous and User-Friendly Rangeland Ecology & Management, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 1 - 3, 2016.
R. Sheley, Hook, P. B., and LeCain, R. R., Establishment of Native and Invasive Plants along a Rangeland Riparian Gradient, Ecological Restoration, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 173 - 181, 2006.
R. Sheley and Half, M. L., Enhancing Native Forb Establishment and Persistence Using a Rich Seed Mixture, Restoration Ecology, vol. 14441220595587641135271031, no. 4, pp. 627 - 635, 2006.
R. Sheley and Smith, B. S., Ecologically Based Invasive Plant Management: Step by Step, Rangelands, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 6 - 10, 2012.
D. P. Sheehy, EOARC, Annual Report: Calibrating Nutrient Content of Elk Diets Using Near Infra-Red Spectroscopy (NIRS) Techniques, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1995.
D. P. Sheehy, Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center Annual Report 1998: Transitory Habitat in Eastside Industrial Forests, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1998.
D. P. Sheehy, Slater, R. C., Tibbs, T. M., and Vavra, M., EOARC Annual Report, Special Report 923: Big Game and Cattle Interrelationships and their Influence on Biological Resources, Seasonal Rangeland and Agricultural Land in Northeastern Oregon, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1993.
D. P. Sheehy, EOARC, Annual Report: Ungulate Management to Enhance a Grazed Seasonal Rangeland Ecosystem, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1995.
D. P. Sheehy and Krueger, W. Clement, EOARC, Annual Report: Enhancing Upland Rangelands to Mitigate Impact of Ungulate Grazing on Critical Watersheds, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1995.
J. M. Seufert, Miller, R. F., Haferkamp, M. Roy, and , The ecology and management of bluebunch wheatgrass (Agropyron spicatum): a review, 1994.
A. Sereni, Osborne, J. P., and Tomasino, E., Exploring retro-nasal aroma’s influence on mouthfeel perception of Chardonnay wines, Beverages, vol. 2, 2016.
M. Sepúlveda, Arismendi, I., Soto, D., Jara, F., and Farias, F., Escaped farmed salmon and trout in Chile: incidence, impacts, and the need for an ecosystem view, Aquaculture Environment Interactions, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 273 - 283, 2013.
J. Selker and Rupp, D. E., An environmentally driven time-integrating water sampler, Water resources research, vol. 41, 2005.
J. Selker, Fry, V. A., and Gorelick, S. M., Experimental investigations for trapping oxygen gas in saturated porous media for in situ bioremediation, 1997.
J. Selker and Schroth, M. H., Evaluation of hydrodynamic scaling in porous media using finger dimensions, 1998.
J. Selker, Steenhuis, T. S., Parlange, J., and , Estimation of loading via fingered flow, in Irrigation and drainage, 1991.
J. Selker, Steenhuis, T. S., and Parlange, J. - Y., An engineering approach to fingered vadose pollutant transport, Geoderma, vol. 70, pp. 197–206, 1996.
S. Seedang, Fernald, A. G., Adams, R., Landers, D. H., and , Economic analysis of water temperature reduction practices in a large river floodplain: an exploratory study of the Willamette River, Oregon, River research and applications, vol. 24, p. 941, 2008.
C. Seavert, Enterprise Budget: Corn (Field) Under Center Pivot Irrigation, Minimum Tillage, North Central Region of Oregon, 2014.
C. Seavert, Enterprise Budget: Cow/Calf, California Winter Range, Klamath and Lake Counties, 2014.
C. Seavert, Enterprise Budget: Pears, d’Anjou & Fresh Bartlett, North Central Region, 2016.
L. Schweitzer, Mellbye, B. L., Gingrich, G. A., and Elias, S. G., Exploring Alternatives to Enhance Weed Control during Grass Seed Crop Establishment, Seed Production Research at Oregon State University, 2006.
L. Schut, Tyedmers, P., G. Cutler, C., and Melathopoulos, A. P., Is early pollination to lowbush blueberry an ecosystem service or disservice?, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, vol. 239, pp. 368 - 375, 2017.