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J. Pscheidt and Newcombe, G., Compendium of Rhododendron and Azalea Diseases and Pests. 2014.
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B. Giri, Patel, K. S., Jaiswal, N. K., Sharma, S., Ambade, B., Wang, W., Simonich, S. L. Massey, and Simoneit, B. R. T., Composition and sources of organic tracers in aerosol particles of industrial central India, Atmospheric Research, vol. 120-121, pp. 312 - 324, 2013.
G. G. Sharma, Cortinovis, D., Agustoni, F., Arosio, G., Villa, M., Cordani, N., Bidoli, P., Bisson, W. H., Pagni, F., Piazza, R., Gambacorti-Passerini, C., and Mologni, L., A Compound L1196M/G1202R ALK Mutation in a Patient with ALK-Positive Lung Cancer with Acquired Resistance to Brigatinib Also Confers Primary Resistance to Lorlatinib, Journal of Thoracic Oncology, vol. 14, no. 11, pp. e257 - e259, 2019.
G. G. Sharma, Cortinovis, D., Agustoni, F., Arosio, G., Villa, M., Cordani, N., Bidoli, P., Bisson, W. H., Pagni, F., Piazza, R., Gambacorti-Passerini, C., and Mologni, L., A Compound L1196M/G1202R ALK Mutation in a Patient with ALK-Positive Lung Cancer with Acquired Resistance to Brigatinib Also Confers Primary Resistance to Lorlatinib, Journal of Thoracic Oncology, vol. 14, no. 11, pp. e257 - e259, 2019.
B. D. Aevermann, Pickett, B. E., Kumar, S., Klem, E. B., Agnihothram, S., Askovich, P. S., Bankhead, A., Bolles, M., Carter, V., Chang, J., Clauss, T. R. W., Dash, P., Diercks, A. H., Eisfeld, A. J., Ellis, A., Fan, S., Ferris, M. T., Gralinski, L. E., Green, R. R., Gritsenko, M. A., Hatta, M., Heegel, R. A., Jacobs, J. M., Jeng, S., Josset, L., Kaiser, S. M., Kelly, S., G. Law, L., Li, C., Li, J., Long, C., Luna, M. L., Matzke, M., McDermott, J., Menachery, V., Metz, T. O., Mitchell, H., Monroe, M. E., Navarro, G., Neumann, G., Podyminogin, R. L., Purvine, S. O., Rosenberger, C. M., Sanders, C. J., Schepmoes, A. A., Shukla, A. K., Sims, A., Sova, P., Tam, V. C., Tchitchek, N., Thomas, P. G., Tilton, S. C., Totura, A., Wang, J., Webb-Robertson, B. - J., Wen, J., Weiss, J. M., Yang, F., Yount, B., Zhang, Q., McWeeney, S., Smith, R. D., Waters, K. M., Kawaoka, Y., Baric, R., Aderem, A., Katze, M. G., and Scheuermann, R. H., A comprehensive collection of systems biology data characterizing the host response to viral infection, Scientific Data, vol. 1, p. 140033, 2014.
B. D. Aevermann, Pickett, B. E., Kumar, S., Klem, E. B., Agnihothram, S., Askovich, P. S., Bankhead, A., Bolles, M., Carter, V., Chang, J., Clauss, T. R. W., Dash, P., Diercks, A. H., Eisfeld, A. J., Ellis, A., Fan, S., Ferris, M. T., Gralinski, L. E., Green, R. R., Gritsenko, M. A., Hatta, M., Heegel, R. A., Jacobs, J. M., Jeng, S., Josset, L., Kaiser, S. M., Kelly, S., G. Law, L., Li, C., Li, J., Long, C., Luna, M. L., Matzke, M., McDermott, J., Menachery, V., Metz, T. O., Mitchell, H., Monroe, M. E., Navarro, G., Neumann, G., Podyminogin, R. L., Purvine, S. O., Rosenberger, C. M., Sanders, C. J., Schepmoes, A. A., Shukla, A. K., Sims, A., Sova, P., Tam, V. C., Tchitchek, N., Thomas, P. G., Tilton, S. C., Totura, A., Wang, J., Webb-Robertson, B. - J., Wen, J., Weiss, J. M., Yang, F., Yount, B., Zhang, Q., McWeeney, S., Smith, R. D., Waters, K. M., Kawaoka, Y., Baric, R., Aderem, A., Katze, M. G., and Scheuermann, R. H., A comprehensive collection of systems biology data characterizing the host response to viral infection, Scientific Data, vol. 1, p. 140033, 2014.
B. D. Aevermann, Pickett, B. E., Kumar, S., Klem, E. B., Agnihothram, S., Askovich, P. S., Bankhead, A., Bolles, M., Carter, V., Chang, J., Clauss, T. R. W., Dash, P., Diercks, A. H., Eisfeld, A. J., Ellis, A., Fan, S., Ferris, M. T., Gralinski, L. E., Green, R. R., Gritsenko, M. A., Hatta, M., Heegel, R. A., Jacobs, J. M., Jeng, S., Josset, L., Kaiser, S. M., Kelly, S., G. Law, L., Li, C., Li, J., Long, C., Luna, M. L., Matzke, M., McDermott, J., Menachery, V., Metz, T. O., Mitchell, H., Monroe, M. E., Navarro, G., Neumann, G., Podyminogin, R. L., Purvine, S. O., Rosenberger, C. M., Sanders, C. J., Schepmoes, A. A., Shukla, A. K., Sims, A., Sova, P., Tam, V. C., Tchitchek, N., Thomas, P. G., Tilton, S. C., Totura, A., Wang, J., Webb-Robertson, B. - J., Wen, J., Weiss, J. M., Yang, F., Yount, B., Zhang, Q., McWeeney, S., Smith, R. D., Waters, K. M., Kawaoka, Y., Baric, R., Aderem, A., Katze, M. G., and Scheuermann, R. H., A comprehensive collection of systems biology data characterizing the host response to viral infection, Scientific Data, vol. 1, p. 140033, 2014.
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Y. J. Jung, Padmanabahn, A., Hong, J. H., Lim, J., and Kim, K. O., Consumer freshness perception of spinach samples exposed to different storage conditions, Postharvest biology and technology, vol. 73, pp. 115–121, 2012.