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R. K. Barton, Brandyberry, K. H., Brandyberry, S. D., Delcurto, T., and Paintner, K. J., Effects of Early Spring Grazing of Rangelands used in Winter Grazing Programs in the Northern Great Basin. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1993.
S. Phuvasate and Su, Y. - C., Effects of electrolyzed oxidizing water and ice treatments on reducing histamine-producing bacteria on fish skin and food contact surface, Food Control, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 286 - 291, 2010.
S. H. Park, Roto, S., Pavlidis, H., McIntyre, D. R., Striplin, K., Brammer, L., and Ricke, S. C., Effects of feeding Original XPC™ to broilers with a live coccidiosis vaccine under industrial conditions: Part 2. Cecal microbiota analysis., Poult Sci, vol. 96, no. 7, pp. 2400-2411, 2017.
S. H. Park, Roto, S., Pavlidis, H., McIntyre, D. R., Striplin, K., Brammer, L., and Ricke, S. C., Effects of feeding Original XPC™ to broilers with a live coccidiosis vaccine under industrial conditions: Part 2. Cecal microbiota analysis., Poult Sci, vol. 96, no. 7, pp. 2400-2411, 2017.
S. M. Roto, Park, S. H., Lee, S. I., Kaldhone, P., Pavlidis, H. O., Frankenbach, S. B., McIntyre, D. R., Striplin, K., Brammer, L., and Ricke, S. C., Effects of feeding Original XPC™ to broilers with a live coccidiosis-vaccine under industry conditions: Part 1. Growth performance and Salmonella inhibition., Poult Sci, vol. 96, no. 6, pp. 1831-1837, 2017.
S. M. Roto, Park, S. H., Lee, S. I., Kaldhone, P., Pavlidis, H. O., Frankenbach, S. B., McIntyre, D. R., Striplin, K., Brammer, L., and Ricke, S. C., Effects of feeding Original XPC™ to broilers with a live coccidiosis-vaccine under industry conditions: Part 1. Growth performance and Salmonella inhibition., Poult Sci, vol. 96, no. 6, pp. 1831-1837, 2017.
J. A. Hall, Bobe, G., Vorachek, W. R., ,, M. Gorman, E., Mosher, W. D., and Pirelli, G. J., Effects of Feeding Selenium-Enriched Alfalfa Hay on Immunity and Health of Weaned Beef Calves, Biological Trace Element Research, vol. 1566050160154916642220354378651648287303254937710969769087368711495676917461616894551887642144217904909214271176532701216167, no. 1-32108–9151515111323–411056632013–41–225253921444834411212911–32623242125525, pp. 96 - 110, 2013.
J. J. White, Pulsipher, G. D., and Delcurto, T., Effects of forage quality and type of protein supplement on intake and digestibility in beef steers and performance of postpartum beef cows, Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 2003.
K. K. Donegan, Seidler, R. J., Widmer, F., Porteous, L. A., DiGiovanni, G. D., and Watrud, L. S., Effects of genetically engineered organisms on the soil ecosystem, Proceedings of the Soil Ecology Society Conference. Manhattan, KS, 1997.
W. K. McGee, Bishop, C., Pohl, C. R., Chang, R. J., Marshall, J. C., Pau, F. K., Stouffer, R. L., and Cameron, J. L., Effects of hyperandrogenemia and increased adiposity on reproductive and metabolic parameters in young adult female monkeys, American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, vol. 3067982852361195558341818382, no. 11, pp. E1292 - E1304, 2014.
W. K. McGee, Bishop, C., Pohl, C. R., Chang, R. J., Marshall, J. C., Pau, F. K., Stouffer, R. L., and Cameron, J. L., Effects of hyperandrogenemia and increased adiposity on reproductive and metabolic parameters in young adult female monkeys, American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, vol. 3067982852361195558341818382, no. 11, pp. E1292 - E1304, 2014.
J. J. Roberts, öök, T. O., Ludsin, S. A., Pothoven, S. A., Vanderploeg, H. A., and Brandt, S. B., Effects of hypolimnetic hypoxia on foraging and distributions of Lake Erie yellow perch, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, vol. 381, pp. S132 - S142, 2009.
J. J. Roberts, Brandt, S. B., Fanslow, D., Ludsin, S. A., Pothoven, S. A., Scavia, D., and öök, T. O., Effects of Hypoxia on Consumption, Growth, and RNA:DNA Ratios of Young Yellow Perch, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, vol. 140, no. 6, pp. 1574 - 1586, 2011.
E. A. Palmer, Vedovatto, M., Oliveira, R. A., Ranches, J., Vendramini, J. M. B., Poore, M. H., Martins, T., Binelli, M., Arthington, J. D., and Moriel, P., Effects of Maternal Winter vs. Year-Round Supplementation of Protein and Energy on Postnatal Growth, Immune Function, and Carcass Characteristics of Bos Indicus-Influenced Beef Offspring, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 100, no. 3, pp. 1-19, 2022.
E. A. Palmer, Vedovatto, M., Oliveira, R. A., Ranches, J., Vendramini, J. M. B., Poore, M. H., Martins, T., Binelli, M., Arthington, J. D., and Moriel, P., Effects of Maternal Winter vs. Year-Round Supplementation of Protein and Energy on Postnatal Growth, Immune Function, and Carcass Characteristics of Bos Indicus-Influenced Beef Offspring, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 100, no. 3, pp. 1-19, 2022.
T. Yin and Park, J. W., Effects of nano-scaled fish bone on the gelation properties of Alaska pollock surimi., Food Chem, vol. 150, pp. 463-8, 2014.
A. R. Kowalewski, Schwartz, B. M., Richardson, M. D., Karcher, D. E., McCalla, J. H., Patton, A. J., and Hanna, W. W., Effects of Nitrogen, Growth Regulators, and Mowing Height on Ball Lie in TifSport Bermudagrass, Applied Turfgrass Science (Online), vol. 9, no. 1, 2012.
V. M. Walton and Pringle, K. L., Effects of Pesticides and Fungicides Used on Grapevines on the Mealybug Predatory Beetle Nephus 'boschianus' (Coccinellidae, Scymnini), South African Journal of Enology & Viticulture, vol. 22, no. 2, 2017.
V. M. Walton and Pringle, K. L., Effects of Pesticides Used on Table Grapes on the Mealybug Parasitoid Coccidoxenoides peregrinus (Timberlake) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), South African Journal of Enology & Viticulture, vol. 20, no. 1, 2017.
B. R. Collins, Parke, J., Lachenbruch, B., and Hansen, E. M., The effects of Phytophthora ramorum infection on hydraulic conductivity and tylosis formation in tanoak sapwood, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, vol. 39, no. 9, pp. 1766 - 1776, 2009.
B. Ieda Cappellozza, Cooke, R. F., Reis, M. M., Marques, R. S., Filho, T. A. Guarnie, Perry, G. A., Jump, D. B., Lytle, K. A., and Bohnert, D. W., Effects of protein supplementation frequency on physiological responses associated with reproduction in beef cows, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 93, no. 1, pp. 386 - 394, 2015.
R. Sagili and Pankiw, T., Effects of protein-constrained brood food on honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) pollen foraging and colony growth, Behavioral ecology and sociobiology, vol. 61, pp. 1471–1478, 2007.
A. P. Melathopoulos, Winston, M. L., Pettis, J., and Pankiw, T. P., The effects of queen mandibular pheromone on the initiation and maintenance of queen cells in the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.), Canadian Entomologist, vol. 128, no. 2, pp. 263-272, 1996.
A. P. Melathopoulos, Winston, M. L., Pettis, J., and Pankiw, T. P., The effects of queen mandibular pheromone on the initiation and maintenance of queen cells in the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.), Canadian Entomologist, vol. 128, no. 2, pp. 263-272, 1996.
C. T. Parsons, Momont, P. A., Delcurto, T., and Sharp, J. L., Effects of season of use on beef cattle distribution patterns and subsequent vegetation use in mountain riparian areas, University of Idaho, 2000.