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“Effects of Early Spring Grazing of Rangelands used in Winter Grazing Programs in the Northern Great Basin”. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1993.
, “Effects of electrolyzed oxidizing water and ice treatments on reducing histamine-producing bacteria on fish skin and food contact surface”, Food Control, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 286 - 291, 2010.
, “Effects of feeding Original XPC™ to broilers with a live coccidiosis vaccine under industrial conditions: Part 2. Cecal microbiota analysis.”, Poult Sci, vol. 96, no. 7, pp. 2400-2411, 2017.
, “Effects of feeding Original XPC™ to broilers with a live coccidiosis vaccine under industrial conditions: Part 2. Cecal microbiota analysis.”, Poult Sci, vol. 96, no. 7, pp. 2400-2411, 2017.
, “Effects of feeding Original XPC™ to broilers with a live coccidiosis-vaccine under industry conditions: Part 1. Growth performance and Salmonella inhibition.”, Poult Sci, vol. 96, no. 6, pp. 1831-1837, 2017.
, “Effects of feeding Original XPC™ to broilers with a live coccidiosis-vaccine under industry conditions: Part 1. Growth performance and Salmonella inhibition.”, Poult Sci, vol. 96, no. 6, pp. 1831-1837, 2017.
, “Effects of Feeding Selenium-Enriched Alfalfa Hay on Immunity and Health of Weaned Beef Calves”, Biological Trace Element Research, vol. 1566050160154916642220354378651648287303254937710969769087368711495676917461616894551887642144217904909214271176532701216167, no. 1-32108–9151515111323–411056632013–41–225253921444834411212911–32623242125525, pp. 96 - 110, 2013.
, “Effects of forage quality and type of protein supplement on intake and digestibility in beef steers and performance of postpartum beef cows”, Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 2003.
, “Effects of genetically engineered organisms on the soil ecosystem”, Proceedings of the Soil Ecology Society Conference. Manhattan, KS, 1997.
, “Effects of hyperandrogenemia and increased adiposity on reproductive and metabolic parameters in young adult female monkeys”, American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, vol. 3067982852361195558341818382, no. 11, pp. E1292 - E1304, 2014.
, “Effects of hyperandrogenemia and increased adiposity on reproductive and metabolic parameters in young adult female monkeys”, American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, vol. 3067982852361195558341818382, no. 11, pp. E1292 - E1304, 2014.
, “Effects of hypolimnetic hypoxia on foraging and distributions of Lake Erie yellow perch”, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, vol. 381, pp. S132 - S142, 2009.
, “Effects of Hypoxia on Consumption, Growth, and RNA:DNA Ratios of Young Yellow Perch”, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, vol. 140, no. 6, pp. 1574 - 1586, 2011.
, “Effects of Maternal Winter vs. Year-Round Supplementation of Protein and Energy on Postnatal Growth, Immune Function, and Carcass Characteristics of Bos Indicus-Influenced Beef Offspring”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 100, no. 3, pp. 1-19, 2022.
, “Effects of Maternal Winter vs. Year-Round Supplementation of Protein and Energy on Postnatal Growth, Immune Function, and Carcass Characteristics of Bos Indicus-Influenced Beef Offspring”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 100, no. 3, pp. 1-19, 2022.
, “Effects of nano-scaled fish bone on the gelation properties of Alaska pollock surimi.”, Food Chem, vol. 150, pp. 463-8, 2014.
, “Effects of Nitrogen, Growth Regulators, and Mowing Height on Ball Lie in TifSport Bermudagrass”, Applied Turfgrass Science (Online), vol. 9, no. 1, 2012.
, “Effects of Pesticides and Fungicides Used on Grapevines on the Mealybug Predatory Beetle Nephus 'boschianus' (Coccinellidae, Scymnini)”, South African Journal of Enology & Viticulture, vol. 22, no. 2, 2017.
, “Effects of Pesticides Used on Table Grapes on the Mealybug Parasitoid Coccidoxenoides peregrinus (Timberlake) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae)”, South African Journal of Enology & Viticulture, vol. 20, no. 1, 2017.
, “The effects of Phytophthora ramorum infection on hydraulic conductivity and tylosis formation in tanoak sapwood”, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, vol. 39, no. 9, pp. 1766 - 1776, 2009.
, “Effects of protein supplementation frequency on physiological responses associated with reproduction in beef cows”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 93, no. 1, pp. 386 - 394, 2015.
, “Effects of protein-constrained brood food on honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) pollen foraging and colony growth”, Behavioral ecology and sociobiology, vol. 61, pp. 1471–1478, 2007.
, “The effects of queen mandibular pheromone on the initiation and maintenance of queen cells in the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.)”, Canadian Entomologist, vol. 128, no. 2, pp. 263-272, 1996.
, “The effects of queen mandibular pheromone on the initiation and maintenance of queen cells in the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.)”, Canadian Entomologist, vol. 128, no. 2, pp. 263-272, 1996.
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