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“Effects of preshipping management on measures of stress and performance of beef steers during feedlot receiving”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 86, no. 8, pp. 2016 - 2023, 2008.
, “Effects of pulsed-vacuum and ultrasound on the osmodehydration kinetics and microstructure of apples (Fuji)”, Journal of Food Engineering, vol. 85, pp. 84–93, 2008.
, “Effects of sources of carbon and nitrogen on production of α-glucosidase inhibitor by a newly isolated strain of Bacillus subtilis B2.”, Food Chem, vol. 109, no. 4, pp. 737-42, 2008.
, “Effects of supplementation frequency on performance, reproductive, and metabolic responses of Brahman-crossbred females”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 86, no. 9, pp. 2296 - 2309, 2008.
, “Effects of supplementation frequency on performance, reproductive, and metabolic responses of Brahman-crossbred females”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 86, no. 9, pp. 2296 - 2309, 2008.
, “Electronic delivery of potato information by OSU”, Crop and Soil News and Viwes, vol. 22, 2008.
, “Eliminating solid phase extraction with large-volume injection LC/MS/MS: analysis of illicit and legal drugs and human urine indicators in US wastewaters”, Environmental science & technology, vol. 42, pp. 8841–8848, 2008.
, “Eliminating Solid Phase Extraction with Large-Volume Injection LC/MS/MS: Analysis of Illicit and Legal Drugs and Human Urine Indicators in US Wastewaters”, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 42, no. 23, pp. 8841 - 8848, 2008.
, , “Erratum to``Similarity solution of axisymmetric flow in porous media''[Adv. Water Resour. 28 (2005) 1076 1082]”, Advances in Water Resources, vol. 31, pp. 1764–1764, 2008.
, “Esfenvalerate-induced case-abandonment in the larvae of the caddisfly (Brachycentrus americanus)”, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, vol. 27, pp. 397–403, 2008.
, “Estimating nitrogen mineralization in organic potato production”, Extension Service, Oregon State University, 2008.
, “Estimating plant-available nitrogen from manure”, Extension Service, Oregon State University, 2008.
, “Evaluating and reducing lead hazard in gardens and landscapes”, Oregon State University, Extension Service, 2008.
, , “Evaluation of Callicarpa spp. for utilization in a breeding program”, Georgia Green Industry Association Journal, pp. 32-33, 2008.
, “Evaluation of the shaking technique for the economic management of American foulbrood disease of honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae).”, J Econ Entomol, vol. 101, no. 4, pp. 1095-104, 2008.
, “Evaluation of the shaking technique for the economic management of American foulbrood disease of honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) ”, Journal of Economic Entomology, vol. 101, pp. 1095-1104, 2008.
, “Ex ante assessment of dual-purpose sweet potato in the crop–livestock system of western Kenya: A minimum-data approach”, Agricultural Systems, vol. 99, no. 1, pp. 13 - 22, 2008.
, “Exposure assessment and risk of gastrointestinal illness among surfers”, Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, vol. 71, pp. 1603–1615, 2008.
, “Exposure to Sodium Metam during Zebrafish Somitogenesis Results in Early Transcriptional Indicators of the Ensuing Neuronal and Muscular Dysfunction”, Toxicological Sciences, vol. 106, no. 1, pp. 103 - 112, 2008.
, “Exposure to sodium metam during zebrafish somitogenesis results in early transcriptional indicators of the ensuing neuronal and muscular dysfunction.”, Toxicol Sci, vol. 106, no. 1, pp. 103-12, 2008.
, “Ecological Considerations for Stream Projects”, in Stream Restoration Design, National Engineering Handbook, 2007.
, “Economic potential for soil carbon sequestration in the Nioro region of Senegal’s Peanut Basin”, Agricultural Systems, vol. 94, no. 1, pp. 26 - 37, 2007.
, “Ecosystem engineering in space and time.”, Ecol Lett, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 153-64, 2007.