“Flow Injection Analysis of Urea Nitrogen in Soil Extracts”, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 55, no. 1, p. 109, 1991.
, “The Grass Seedling: When Is It Established?”, Journal of Range Management, vol. 44, no. 6, p. 574, 1991.
, “Humoral Immune System Response to Copper and Selenium Supplementation in Weaned Beef Steers”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1991.
, “Influence of Protein Supplements on the Intake and Utilization of Low-Quality Roughages”. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1991.
, “Management in the Sagebrush Steppe: Grazing Management Stratagies to Control Weeds”. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1991.
, “Management in the Sagebrush Steppe: How Finicky Are Cattle About Wolf Plants?”. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1991.
, “Management in the Sagebrush Steppe: Using Past Climatic Data to Estimate Effects of Predicted Climate Change on Temperature and Precipitation in South Central Oregon”. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1991.
“Market opportunities for Pacific whiting”, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 1991.
, “Nutritional and managerial considerations for range beef cattle production.”, Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 95-125, 1991.
, “OSU Dept. of Animal Sciences 1991 Progress Report: Alfalfa Supplementation of Beef Cattle Grazing Winter Sagebrush-Steppe Range Forage”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1991.
, “OSU Dept. of Animal Sciences 1991 Progress Report: Ammoniation and/or Supplementation of tall fescue Straw for Beef Cattle Production”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1991.
, “OSU Dept. of Animal Sciences 1991 Progress Report: Effect of Dietary Protein Degradability on Fertility of Dairy Cattle”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1991.
, “OSU Dept. of Animal Sciences 1991 Progress Report: Effect of Late Gestation Supplementation of Multiple Bearing Ewes on Lamb Birth Weights, Survival and Weaning Weight”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1991.
“OSU Dept. of Animal Sciences 1991 Progress Report: Effects of Ewe Mating Condition and Post-Mating Nutrition on Embryo Survival”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1991.
, “OSU Dept. of Animal Sciences 1991 Progress Report: Effects of Zinc, Copper and Selenium Supplementation on the Humoral Immune System of Weaned Steers”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1991.
, “OSU Dept. of Animal Sciences 1991 Progress Report: Endocrine Responses of Ewe Lambs Exposed to a 500 kV A-C Transmission Line”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1991.
“OSU Dept. of Animal Sciences 1991 Progress Report: High Performance Milking Parlors”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1991.
, “OSU Dept. of Animal Sciences 1991 Progress Report: NCALC - A Software Program for Balancing Manure Resource Use”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1991.
, “OSU Dept. of Animal Sciences 1991 Progress Report: OSU Research in Muscle Biology”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1991.
“OSU Dept. of Animal Sciences 1991 Progress Report: Purchasing and Managing Young Bulls”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1991.
“OSU Dept. of Animal Sciences 1991 Progress Report: Serum Growth Hormone-Binding Protein in Domestic Animals”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1991.
, “OSU Dept. of Animal Sciences 1991 Progress Report: Studies on the Pregnant Mare and Newborn Foal”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1991.
“OSU Dept. of Animal Sciences 1991 Progress Report: The Effect of Nutritional Manipulation on Pre- and Postnatal Response by the Sow and Her Offspring”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1991.
, “OSU Dept. of Animal Sciences 1991 Progress Report: The Use of Soybean Protein Supplements with Low Quality Roughage for Growing Beef Calves”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1991.