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“Effects of Reducing Dystocia on Heifer Productivity”. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1993.
, “Environmental temperature sensing using Raman spectra DTS fiber-optic methods”, Water Resources Research, vol. 45, 2009.
, “The effect of cultivar and applied nitrogen on the performance of Camelina sativa L. in the Maritime Provinces of Canada”, Canadian Journal of Plant Science, vol. 88, no. 1, pp. 111 - 119, 2008.
, “Effects of cultivar and nitrogen rate on the performance of Camelina sativa L. in the Maritime Provinces of Canada.”, Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 2006.
, “The effect of cultivar and applied nitrogen on the performance of Camelina sativa L. in the Maritime Provinces of Canada”, Can. J. Plant Sci. , vol. 88, pp. 111-119, 2008.
, “The effect of seeding rate, seeding date, and seeder type on the performance of Camelina sativa L. in the Maritime Provinces of Canada”, Can. J. Plant Sci. , vol. 88, pp. 501-508, 2008.
, “Economic and environmental impacts of climate change and socio-economic scenarios: a case study on a semi-subsistence agricultural system”, Int. J. Climate Change: Impacts Responses, vol. 3, pp. 157 - 176, 2012.
, “Emergence and survival of natal grass in different types of soil and patterns of humidity-drought”, Terra Latinoamericana, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 169 - 178, 2015.
, “Evidencia de solapamiento de micro-hábitat entre juveniles del salmón introducido Oncorhynchus tshawytscha y el pez nativo Trichomycterus areolatus en el río Allipén, Chile”, Revista de biología marina y oceanografía, vol. 45, no. 2, 2010.
, “Evaluating taxonomic homogenization of freshwater fish assemblages in Chile”, Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, no. 16, 2015.
, “An Ecological Perspective of Livestock Grazing”, International Symposium on Animal Production under Grazing - Vicosa, MG, Brazil, 1997.
, “Effect of high-pressure-moderate-temperature processing on the volatile profile of milk.”, J Agric Food Chem, vol. 54, no. 24, pp. 9184-92, 2006.
, “Evolution of superficial lake water temperature profile under diurnal radiative forcing”, Water resources research, vol. 47, 2011.
, “Effects of intravenous glucose infusion and nutritional balance on serum concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids, glucose, insulin, and progesterone in nonlactating dairy cows”, Journal of Dairy Science, vol. 93, no. 7, pp. 3047 - 3055, 2010.
, “Environmental stresses and skeletal deformities in fish from the Willamette River, Oregon.”, Environ Sci Technol, vol. 39, no. 10, pp. 3495-506, 2005.
, “Effect of high-pressure treatment on microbiology, proteolysis, lipolysis and levels of flavour compounds in mature blue-veined cheese”, Innovative food science & emerging technologies, vol. 11, pp. 68–77, 2010.
, “Effect of high-pressure treatment of milk for cheese manufacture on proteolysis, lipolysis, texture and functionality of Cheddar cheese during ripening”, Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, vol. 13, pp. 23–30, 2012.
, “Ecological Water Quality - Water Treatment and ReuseWater Quality in the Agronomic Context: Flood Irrigation Impacts on Summer In-Stream Temperature Extremes in the Interior Pacific Northwest (USA)”, in Water Quality in the Agronomic Context, InTech, 2012.
, Evaluation of Rubus seed characteristics: seed coat morphology, anatomy, germination requirements and dormancy breaking. Oregon State University, 2009.
, “Effect of dolomitic lime rate and application method on substrate pH and creeping woodsorrel establishment”, Journal of Environmental Horticulture, vol. 24, pp. 185–191, 2006.
, “Effects of Climate Change on Oregon Coast Coho Salmon: Habitat and Life-Cycle Interactions”, Northwest Science, vol. 87, no. 3, pp. 219 - 242, 2013.
, “The effect of fertilizing forage with sodium selenate on selenium concentration of hay, drain water and serum selenium concentrations in beef heifers and calves”, Canadian Journal of Animal Science, vol. 88, no. 1, pp. 79 - 83, 2008.
, “The Effects of Herbivory and Timber Harvest on Understory Production in Northeastern Oregon”, Burns, OR: Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center, 2005.