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V. V. Peremyslov, Mockler, T. C., Filichkin, S. A., Fox, S. E., Jaiswal, P., Makarova, K. S., Koonin, E. V., and Dolja, V. V., Expression, splicing, and evolution of the myosin gene family in plants., Plant physiology, vol. 155, pp. 1191-204, 2011.
J. R. Males, Extending the University to Oregon livestock producers in Knowledge transfer in cattle husbandry. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2005.
D. Roberts and Rao, S., Extension leads multi-agency team in suppressing a pest in the west. , Journal of Extension, 2012.
D. Roberts and Rao, S., Extension leads multi-agency team in suppressing a pest in the west, Journal of Extension, 2012.
F. Lens, Cooper, L., Gandolfo, M. Alejandra, Groover, A., Jaiswal, P., Lachenbruch, B., Spicer, R., Staton, M. E., Stevenson, D. W., Walls, R. L., and Wegrzyn, J., An extension of the Plant Ontology project supporting wood anatomy and development research, IAWA Journal, vol. 33, p. 5, 2012.
N. P. Anderson, Extension Report from the North Willamette Valley, Oregon SEED Magazine, 2011.
P. Prado, Tomas, F., Alcoverro, T., and Romero, J., Extensive direct measurements of Posidonia oceanica defoliation confirm the importance of herbivory in temperate seagrass meadows, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 340, pp. 63 - 71, 2007.
P. O. Dunn, Ahmed, I., Armstrong, E., Barlow, N., Barnard, M. A., Bélisle, M., Benson, T. J., Berzins, L. L., Boynton, C. K., T. Brown, A., Cady, M., Cameron, K., Chen, X., Clark, R. G., Clotfelter, E. D., Cromwell, K., Dawson, R. D., Denton, E. M., Forbes, A., Fowler, K., Fraser, K. C., Gandhi, K. J. K., Garant, D., Hiebert, M., Houchen, C., Houtz, J., Imlay, T. L., Inouye, B. D., Inouye, D. W., Jackson, M., Jacobson, A. P., Jayd, K., Juteau, C., Kautz, A., Killian, C., Kinnear, E., Komatsu, K. J., Larsen, K., Laughlin, A., Levesque‐Beaudin, V., Leys, R., Long, E., Lougheed, S. C., Mackenzie, S., Marangelo, J., Miller, C., Molano‐Flores, B., Morrissey, C. A., Nicholls, E., Orlofske, J. M., Pearse, I. S., Pelletier, F., Pitt, A. L., Poston, J. P., Racke, D. M., Randall, J. A., Richardson, M. L., Rooney, O., A. Ruegg, R., Rush, S., Ryan, S. J., Sadowski, M., Schoepf, I., Schulz, L., Shea, B., Sheehan, T. N., Siefferman, L., Sikes, D., Stanback, M., Styrsky, J. D., Taff, C. C., Uehling, J. J., Uvino, K., Wassmer, T., Weglarz, K., Weinberger, M., Wenzel, J., and Whittingham, L. A., Extensive Regional Variation in the Phenology of Insects and Their Response to Temperature Across North America, Ecology, vol. 104, no. 5, 2023.
B. J. Place, Kleber, M., and Field, J., Extraction of fullerenes from environmental matrices as affected by solvent characteristics and analyte concentration, Journal of Separation Science, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 953 - 958, 2013.
J. D. Park and Park, J. W., Extraction of sardine myoglobin and its effect on gelation properties of Pacific whiting surimi., J Food Sci, vol. 72, no. 4, pp. C202-7, 2007.
M. D. Smith, Wilkins, K. D., Holdrege, M. C., Wilfahrt, P., O'Connor, R., Larson, J. E., and Munson, S. M., Extreme Drought Impacts have been Underestimated in Grasslands and Shrublands Globally, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 121, no. 4, 2024.
D. H. Gouge, Li, S., Nair, S., Wierda, M., Drake, K., Stock, T., and Fournier, A., Extreme Pesticide Use in Response to Cimex lectulariusand Blattella germanica Infestations, XXV International Congress of Entomology. Orlando, Florida, 2016.
M. D. Madsen, Hulet, A., Phillips, K., Staley, J. L., Svejcar, T., and Davies, K. W., Extruded seed pellets: a novel approach for enhancing sagebrush seedling emergence, Native Plants Journal, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 230 - 243, 2016.