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“Heterogeneous reactions of particulate matter-bound PAHs and NPAHs with NO3/N2O5, OH radicals, and O3 under simulated long-range atmospheric transport conditions: reactivity and mutagenicity”, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 48, no. 17, pp. 10155 - 10164, 2014.
, “Novel Nitro-PAH Formation from Heterogeneous Reactions of PAHs with NO2, NO3/N2O5, and OH Radicals: Prediction, Laboratory Studies, and Mutagenicity”, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 412 - 419, 2014.
, “Formation of Nitro-PAHs from the Heterogeneous Reaction of Ambient Particle-Bound PAHs with N2O5/NO3/NO2”, Environmental Science & Technology, p. 130718154506004, 2013.