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“IL-10 prevents aging-associated inflammation and insulin resistance in skeletal muscle.”, FASEB J, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 701-710, 2017.
, “Impact of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies on Winter Wheat and Cropping System Performance across Precipitation Gradients in the Inland Pacific Northwest, USA”, Frontiers in Environmental Science, vol. 5, 2017.
, “Introduction to the Special Volume on Tursiops in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean”, Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals, vol. 11, no. 1-2, p. 1, 2017.
, “Key players associated with tuberization in potato: potential candidates for genetic engineering”, Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, vol. 37, pp. 942-957, 2017.
, “Microbial compositional changes in broiler chicken cecal contents from birds challenged with different Salmonella vaccine candidate strains.”, Vaccine, vol. 35, no. 24, pp. 3204-3208, 2017.
, “Molecular mechanisms of green tea polyphenols with protective effects against skin photoaging.”, Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr, vol. 57, no. 8, pp. 1631-1637, 2017.
, “Multianalyte profiling of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in liquid commercial products”, Chemosphere, vol. 171, pp. 491 - 501, 2017.
, “Multianalyte profiling of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in liquid commercial products”, Chemosphere, vol. 171, pp. 491 - 501, 2017.
, “A national survey of managed honey bee 2015–2016 annual colony losses in the USA”, Journal of apicultural research, vol. 56, pp. 328–340, 2017.
“Next generation sequencing of oomycete communities in nursery irrigation water”, Proceedings of the sudden oak death sixth science symposium, vol. GTR-PSW-255, pp. 66-69, 2017.
, “Nine Proposed Action Areas to Enhance Diversity and Inclusion in the American Fisheries Society”, Fisheries, vol. 4297, no. 8, pp. 399 - 402, 2017.
, “Nine Proposed Action Areas to Enhance Diversity and Inclusion in the American Fisheries Society”, Fisheries, vol. 4297, no. 8, pp. 399 - 402, 2017.
, “Nutrient feedbacks to soil heterotrophic nitrogen fixation in forests”, Biogeochemistry, vol. 134, pp. 41–55, 2017.
, “Nutrient feedbacks to soil heterotrophic nitrogen fixation in forests”, Biogeochemistry, vol. 134, pp. 41–55, 2017.
, Nutrient Management for Sustainable Vegetable Cropping Systems in Western Oregon. Oregon State University, Extension Service, 2017.
, “Original XPC Effect on Typhimurium and Cecal Microbiota from Three Different Ages of Broiler Chickens When Incubated in an Anaerobic Culture System.”, Front Microbiol, vol. 8, p. 1070, 2017.
, “Original XPC Effect on Typhimurium and Cecal Microbiota from Three Different Ages of Broiler Chickens When Incubated in an Anaerobic Culture System.”, Front Microbiol, vol. 8, p. 1070, 2017.
, “Osmotic stress and germination of Yucca elata and Menodora scabra, two species of plants native to the desert of Chihuahua”, Revista Chapingo Serie Zonas Áridas, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 39 - 44, 2017.
, “Pasture flock chicken cecal microbiome responses to prebiotics and plum fiber feed amendments.”, Poult Sci, vol. 96, no. 6, pp. 1820-1830, 2017.
, “Pasture flock chicken cecal microbiome responses to prebiotics and plum fiber feed amendments.”, Poult Sci, vol. 96, no. 6, pp. 1820-1830, 2017.
, “Pasture flock chicken cecal microbiome responses to prebiotics and plum fiber feed amendments.”, Poult Sci, vol. 96, no. 6, pp. 1820-1830, 2017.
, “Patterns of non-native plant species invasions in the Wallowa Mountains, Northeast Oregon, USA”, Biological Invasions, 2017.
, “PIGE as a screening tool for Per- and polyfluorinated substances in papers and textiles”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, vol. 407, pp. 47 - 54, 2017.
, “Postfire soil water repellency in piñon–juniper woodlands: Extent, severity, and thickness relative to ecological site characteristics and climate”, Ecology and Evolution, vol. 7, 2017.
, “Postfire Soil Water Repellency in Piñon–Juniper Woodlands: Extent, Severity, and Thickness Relative to Ecological Site Characteristics and Climate”, Ecology and Evolution, vol. 7, no. 13, pp. 4630-4639, 2017.