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R. F. Cooke, Temperament and Performance of Beef Cattle. OSU Beef Cattle Sciences/Beef Cattle Library: BEEF021, 2009.
K. M. Schubach, Supplementing a Yeast-Derived Product to Enhance Productive and Health Responses of Feeder Steers, American Society of Animal Science, Western Section. Oregon State University, Fargo, North Dakota, 2017.
B. Ieda Cappellozza, Cooke, R. F., Filho, T. A. Guarnie, and Bohnert, D. W., Supplementation based on protein or energy ingredients to beef cattle consuming low-quality cool-season forages: I. Forage disappearance parameters in rumen-fistulated steers and physiological responses in pregnant heifers, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 92, no. 6E-Suppl. 2Suppl. 1, pp. 2716 - 2724, 2014.
B. Ieda Cappellozza, Cooke, R. F., Reis, M. M., Moriel, P., Keisler, D. H., and Bohnert, D. W., Supplementation based on protein or energy ingredients to beef cattle consuming low-quality cool-season forages: II. Performance, reproductive, and metabolic responses of replacement heifers, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 92, no. 6, pp. 2725 - 2734, 2014.
C. N. Lopes, Cooke, R. F., Reis, M. M., Peres, R. F. G., and Vasconcelos, J. L. M., Strategic supplementation of calcium salts of polyunsaturated fatty acids to enhance reproductive performance of Bos indicus beef cows, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 898980171123904778824564692221734387741215857280668079728164604712661347798, no. 10, pp. 3116 - 3124, 2011.
J. M. B. Vendramini, Sanchez, J. M. D., Cooke, R. F., Aguiar, A. D., Moriel, P., da Silva, W. L., Cunha, O. F. R., Ferreira, P. D. S., and Pereira, A. C., Stocking rate and monensin supplemental level effects on growth performance of beef cattle consuming warm-season grasses1, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 9358639292909091983982714450514757915010348516445187310539, no. 7, pp. 3682 - 3689, 2015.
R. F. Cooke, Filho, T. A. Guarnie, Cappellozza, B. Ieda, and Bohnert, D. W., Rest stops during road transport: Impacts on performance and acute-phase protein responses of feeder cattle, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 91877481868223158478978789899034845907562758590179385797439, no. 11, pp. 5448 - 5454, 2013.
T. Delcurto, Cooke, R. F., Boyd, C. S., and Bohnert, D. W., Oregon Beef Council Report: 2010 Edition. Oregon State University/ Beef Cattle Sciences/ Extension Service, 2010.
R. F. Cooke and Marquezini, G. H. L., Estrus Synchronization and Artifical Insemination in Beef Cattle. OSU Beef Cattle Sciences/Beef Cattle Library: BEEF005, 2009.
T. F. Schumaher, Cooke, R. F., Brandão, A. P., and Schubach, K. M., Effects of Vaccination Timing Against Respiratory Pathogens on Performance, Antibody Response, and Health in Feedlot Cattle, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 97, no. 2, pp. 620-630, 2019.
T. F. Schumaher, Effects of Vaccination Timing Against Respiratory Pathogens on Performance, Antibody Response, and Health in Feedlot Cattle, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 97, no. 2, pp. 620-630, 2019.
R. S. Marques, Effects of Rumen-Protected EFA Supplementation to Late-Gestating Beef Cows on Performance and Physiological Responses of the Offspring, American Society of Animal Science, Western Section, vol. 68. Fargo, North Dakota, pp. 26-36, 2017.
D. W. Bohnert, Cooke, F. N. T., Cooke, R. F., Nery, F. M., and Scarpa, A. B., Effects of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) supplementation on forage intake and digestibility in beef cows - Proceeding, Proc. West. Sec., Amer. Soc. Of An. Science , vol. 61. pp. 271-273, 2010.
D. W. Bohnert, Cooke, F. N. T., Cooke, R. F., Francisco, C. L., and Marques, R. S., Effects of Acclimation to Human Handling on Temperament, Physiological Responses, and Performance of Beef Steers During Feedlot Receiving, Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 2012.
D. W. Bohnert, Cooke, F. N. T., Cooke, R. F., Francisco, C. L., and Marques, R. S., Effects of 24-h Tansport Nutrient Restriction on Acute-Phase and Performance Responses of Feeder Cattle, Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 2012.