Comparing Different Fungicides for the Control of Microdochium Patch
2012 Evaluation of Fungicides and Fungicide Rotation Programs for the Control of Anthracnose
2012 Evaluation of Syngenta Fungicides and Fungicide Rotation Programs for the Control of Anthracnose
Winter Brown Blight Rears Its Ugly Head
2010 Evaluation of Fungicides for the Control of Anthracnose on an Annual Bluegrass Putting Green
The purpose of this trial was to evaluate the effectiveness of various fungicides and fungicide rotations in controlling anthracnose (Colletotrichum cereale) on an annual bluegrass putting green.
Sustainable Landscape Management
Tom Cook, retired OSU turfgrass professor, has published a new book detailing the construction and maintenance of sustainable landscapes! The book includes topics such as sustainable landscape design, how to develop an ecosystem, issues regarding the use of chemicals, and approaches for modifying existing lancescapes. The book can be purchased from Amazon: Sustainable Landscape Management: Design, Construction, and Maintainence!
Turfgrass Seeding Recommendations for the Pacific Northwest
Washington State University • Oregon State University • University of Idaho
Golf Economic Impact
Oregon's Golf Economy Estimated at $1.2 Billion; Contributes More than 27,000 Jobs
Representing the Golf Alliance of Oregon (GAO), Barb Trammell, CEO of the Oregon Golf Association unveiled the results of an economic impact study at Stone Creek Golf Club in Oregon City in mid-October 2010. The research study was conducted on behalf of the Golf Alliance of Oregon, a consortium of the major trade and consumer golf associations.
Efficient Lawn Irrigation in the Intermountain West
Maintaining a healthy, aesthetically pleasing lawn depends on many variables including turfgrass species; mowing height and frequency; fertilization; and insect, disease, and weed control. Proper irrigation, despite being one of the most important factors in maintaining a healthy lawn, is the most often overlooked variable in lawn care (figure 1).