Fresh Market Vegetable Production

Evaluation of certain factors affecting yield and ear characteristics of sweet corn



  • To determine the effects of planting dates and plant populations on yield and ear characteristics (especially length and tip-fill) of Jubilee sweet corn at the OSU Vegetable Research Farm.
  • To determine the relationship between plant populations and yield and ear characteristics in commercial plantings of sweet corn in grower fields.

Effects of nitrogen fertilizer rates and within-row spacing on carrot root yields and root characteristics



  • To evaluate the effects of 5 nitrogen rates and 2 within-row spacings on yield and root characteristics of Royal Chantenay carrots at North Willamette Experiment Station and Oregon State University Vegetable Research Farm.
  • To evaluate the effects of supplemental nitrogen rates, in addition to grower's base rates of N on yield at 5 grower locations (Red Cored Chantenay).
  • To determine N concentrations in carrot leaf sample from each of the experimental locations.

Effects of irrigation and nitrogen rates on yield and size distribution of roots of table beets



  • To determine the effects of differential quantities of irrigation water on growth and yield of table beets.
  • To determine the relationship of nitrogen fertilizer rates to yield and size distribution of table beet roots.
  • To determine N concentrations in table beet leaves as affected by irrigation and N fertilizer rates.

Dark pod discoloration of snap beans (1986)


Report to the Oregon Processed Vegetable Commission

Harry Mack
OSU Dept of Horticulture


  1. To determine the relationship between iron concentrations in bean leaves at early bloom and occurrence of dark pod discoloration in grower fields.
  2. To obtain soil samples from the same locations for anlyses.
  3. To take plant, pod and sod samples from any fields in which the dark pod discoloration problem is encountered during the 1986 season.

Control of Wild Proso Millet (1986)


Report to the Oregon Processed Vegetable Commission

Raquel Fernandez and Myron Shenk


In the greenhouse and in the field

  1. Study the influence of seeding depth on the development of the growing point of wild proso millet seedlings.
  2. and the effect of position and timing of application by 5 herbicides (pendimethalin, alachor, atrazine, tridiphane and EPTC) on the control of wild proso millet.

Control of grey mold and white mold of snap beans (1986)


Report to the Oregon Processed Vegetable Commission

Mary Powelson and M. Nelson
OSU Dept of Botany and Plant Pathology


  1. To identify potential biological control agent(s) for grey mold and white mold of snap beans.
  2. To determine effective methods of applying biological control agent(s) to achieve maximum control of grey mold and white mold of snap beans.
  3. To evaluate efficacy of available fungicides for control of grey mold and white mold of snap beans.