Fresh Market Vegetable Production

Status Report Table Beets, Aphid Control, Virus Suppression and Yield Response 1990


Aphid populations are being monitored in 4 different red table beet plantings in the South Willamette Valley. Fields were
selected because of their proximity to sugar beets being grown for seed. Yellow pan traps with water are being used to monitor black bean aphid and green peach aphid flights into beets. Aphid populations are being monitored on beets for in field build up.

Dinoseb Grant 1990



  • Evaluate weed control efficacy and crop tolerance of Cobra on processing peas.
  • Evaluate combinations of MCPA amine, Basagran, Poast and crop-oil for weed control efficacy and crop tolerance in processing peas.
  • Investigate the feasibility of field sampling to determine weed densities and weed species of sampled fields.
  • Follow development of black and hairy nightshade from emergence through crop harvest to determine potential for crop contamination.

Snap Beans:

Effect of Nitrogen Rate, Timing, Placement, and Catch Crops on Yield and Nitrogen Utilization in Vegetable Crops



  • To evaluate the effect of several rates of applied N, as affected by timing and method of placement, on the yield of broccoli.
  • To determine the time of maximum broccoli uptake of applied N.
  • To determine how much of the applied N remains in the soil as nitrate at harvest and following winter rainfall.
  • To evaluate the efficiency of a winter cover/catch crop in capturing residual nitrate N.

Weed Management in Snap Beans, Peas, and Cucurbits (1991)


Report to the Oregon Processed Vegetable Commission

Ray Williams, Garvin Crabtree, Debra Boquist, Steven Eskelsen, and Ed Peachey
OSU Dept. of Horticulture

Research trials established in 1991 evaluated several weed management practices in snap beans, peas, and cucurbits. Much of the work reported was conducted in the Willamette Valley, although results of IR-4 pea residue and tolerance trials from 3 states are included.