Developing an Integrated Management Tool to Predict Hairy Nightshade Growth in Snap Beans (2003)
Report to the Oregon Processed Vegetable Commission
Ed Peachey
OSU Dept. of Horticulture
Report to the Oregon Processed Vegetable Commission
Ed Peachey
OSU Dept. of Horticulture
Report to the Oregon Processed Vegetable Commission
George Clough, Philip Hamm, and Sarah Blatchford
OSU Hermiston Agricultrual Research and Extension Center
Report to the Oregon Processed Vegetable Commission
K.Peterson, R. McReynolds, R. William, and Bill Braunworth
OSU Dept of Horticulture
Report to the Oregon Processed Vegetable Commission
Jim Baggett
OSU Dept. of Horticulture
Objectives: To evaluate yield, uniformity, plant characteristics, and ear characteristics in the field, and processed quality of new varietal introductions of supersweet (sh2) corn.
Objectives: Breed bush green beans for the western Oregon processing industry with:
C.C. Shock, D. Burnett, C. Burnett, and J. Zalewski
Malheur Experiment Station, 0.S.U., Ontario, Oregon