Willamette Valley

150-250 day season; warm days, cool nights; length of season may very considerably from year to year

Cutworm Control in Processed Beets (1988)


Report to the Oregon Processed Vegetable Commission

Glenn Fisher, K. West, and R. Berry
OSU Dept. of Entomology


  1. Continue investigation of pheromone traps to predict cutworm infestations.
  2. Test efficacy of registered insecticides for control of the black cutworm, emphasis on detection and timing.
  3. Test insecticide bait for detection and control of black cutworm.
  4. Determine when black cutworm gets into to table beets, overwintering and migration.

Control of grey mold and white mold of snap beans (1988)


Report to the Oregon Processed Vegetable Commission

Dan McGrath
OSU Dept of Horticulture

Mary Powelson
OSU Dept of Botany and Plant Pathology


  1. To evaluate timing, rate, and number of applications of foliar fungicides for control of grey mold and white mold of snap beans.
  2. To evaluate the efficacy of two biocontrol agents for control of grey mold of snap beans.