Disease and related disorder management

Pathogenicity of Fusarium isolates on sweet corn and effect of form of nitrogen on root rot development.

While Fusarium oxysporum and solani and Pythium arrenhomanes are consistantly associated with diseased roots and Pythium arrhenomanes has been shown to be pathogenic on sweet corn seedings in the greenhouse, other studies suggest neither fungus alone is the cause of this disease. Experiments were conducted in 2000 to determine: 1) pathogenicity of Fusarium isolates and other fungi on sweet corn seedlings, 2) effect of soil treatments (fungicides and herbicides) on severity of root necrosis of corn grown in naturally infested field soil, and 3) effect of c

Green Bean Breeding


  • Breed Bush Blue Lake green bean varieties with high economic yield.
  • Improve pod characteristics including straightness, color, smoothness, texture, flavor and quality retention, and combine with delayed seed size development.
  • Incorporate white mold resistance, and improve root rot tolerance while maintaining resistance to bean common mosaic virus.
  • Initiate populations to facilitate molecular marker assisted selection of desirable horticultural traits.
  • Evaluate novel genetic traits of potential benefit.

Evaluation of Fungicides for the Control of Gray/White Mold in Snap Beans

The processed vegetable industry has struggled annually with EPA to secure the Ronilan label. EPA announced that the registration will be cancelled in September 30, 2005. There are a number of new fungicides that have not been evaluated for the control of either Botrytis or Sclerotina for snap beans in Oregon. The currently registered alternative fungicides to Ronilan; Benlate, Bravo, Topsin, and Royal, are all subject to review by the EPA under the guidelines set forth in the provisions of the 1996 Food Quality Protection Act.
