Disease and related disorder management

Biology and Management of Fusarium Diseases on Sweet Corn in the PNW (2002)

Report to the Oregon Processed Vegetable Commission

Cynthia M. Ocamb
Ext. Specialist and Assistant Professor Botany and Plant Pathology, OSU

Nathan Miller
Graduate Student, OSU, Corvallis

Tim Knight
Faculty Research Assistant, BPP, OSU

Dan McGrath
Linn County, Regional Ag. Agent - Marion County

Jim Myers
OSU Dept of Horticulture

Ed Peachy
OSU Dept of Horticulture

Mary Powelson
OSU Dept of Botany and Plant Pathology

Alex Stone
OSU Dept of Horticulture

Root Rot of Sweet Corn in Western Oregon

Describes the causes and disease cycle of sweet corn root rot diseases, including the infection process and symptom development. Color photos illustrate symptoms at various stages of plant growth. Explains how to evaluate a field's risk for root rot development.
Beth Hoinacki, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University
Funding for this research was provided by the Oregon Processed Vegetable Commission
OSU Extension Series # EM 8859

Length: 4 pages

Cultivar Evaluation for Control of Common Smut in Sweet Corn and High Plains Virus in the Columbia Basin of Oregon and Washington (2006)

Report to the Oregon Processed Vegetable Commission

George Clough and Philip Hamm
OSU Hermiston Agricultrual Research and Extension Center

Cooperators: Brian Yorgey, OSU Department of Food Science & Technology, Wiegand Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331; Nick David and Stacy Gieck, Oregon State University, Hermiston; Friehe Farms, Moses Lake, WA; Ron Riemann Farms, Pasco, WA; Mark Trent, WSU Extension, Ephrata, WA.

Management of Sweet Corn Root and Crown Rot in the Pacific Northwest

Objective 1: Evaluation of commercial sweet corn varieties and inbred germplasm in small plots for susceptibility to seed rot/damping-off as well as root, stalk, and crown rot.

Objective 2: Evaluation of microbial and chemical treatments for suppression of sweet corn seed rot/damping-off, root rot, and crown rot.

Objective 3: Cooperate with other sweet corn projects (cultivar screenings, irrigation studies, etc.) within and outside of OSU programs.

Evaluation of Fungicides for the Control of Gray and White Mold in Snap Beans

Cancellation of the registration of an effective bean mold fungicide, Ronilan, occurred at the end of the 2005 growing season. Finding equivalent alternatives for use in snap bean is critical. The goal of the project is to continue evaluations of alternative fungicides for their effectiveness in controlling white mold (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) and gray mold (Botrytis cinerea) on snap bean.