Disease and related disorder management

Green Bean Breeding and Evaluation

Objectives: 1. Breed Bush Blue Lake green bean varieties with high economic yield and improved plant architecture. 2. Improve pod characteristics including straightness, color, smoothness, texture, flavor and quality retention, and combine with delayed seed size development. 3. Incorporate white mold resistance and improve root rot tolerance. 4. Develop a molecular marker map to facilitate marker-assisted selection of desirable horticultural traits.

Ascospore Trapping of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in Snap Bean Fields (2009)

Report to the Oregon Processed Vegetable Commission

Cindy Ocamb
OSU Dept of Botany and Plant Pathology

Nathan Miller
Postdoctoral Research Assistant, BPP, OSU

David H. Gent
USDA-ARS, Corvallis

Robert B. McReynolds
OSU North Willamette Research & Ext. Center


  1. Evaluate ascospore detection of S. sclerotiorum using multiple Rotorod spore traps.
  2. Monitor environmental conditions within bean fields to begin model development of ascospore detection events.

VegNet Regional Pest Monitoring Program Report (2009)

Report to the Oregon Processed Vegetable Commission

Dan McGrath
OSU Dept. of Horticulture

COOPERATORS: Manual Silveira and Jim Gill, NORPAC; Wayne Parker, Jason
White, and Neil MacInnes, National Frozen; Jon Brown, Truitt Bros; Larry and Ron
Pearmine Farm, Richard and Delbert Haener Farms, Mark and Mike Dickman Farm,
Skip Gray Farm, Matt and Gary Cook Farm, Hendricks Brothers Farm, Tom and Sam
Sweeney Farm. Technical support for this project was provided by Lydia Brown, OSU
Department of Horticulture.

Management of Fusarium diseases of sweet corn in the Pacific Northwest


Objective 1: Evaluate sweet corn inbred germplasm for colonization of silks by Fusarium species and subsequent seed infection/contamination. Objective 2: Evaluate biological applications to silks and subsequent Fusarium presence in ears. Objective 3: Evaluate seed disinfestation and location of remaining Fusarium on or in seed. Objective 4: Examine the yield and disease levels of sweet corn plants grown from seeds treated with germicidal light.