Disease and related disorder management

Response of Vegetables to Cytex, a Cytokinin Preparation

The purpose of these experiments was to determine the effect of a commercial cytokinin preparation on yield and quality of several Willamette Valley horticultural crops. Atlantic and Pacific Research, Inc. manufactures a marine algae extract, containing 100 ppm kinetin, which has increased fruit and vegetable yields in several areas of the country and is registered for use on tomatoes. This product, Cytex, is stable and can be applied with standard spray equipment.


Green Bean Breeding and Evaluation (2009)

Report to the Oregon Processed Vegetable Commission

Jim Myers and Brian Yorgy

Objectives: Breed improved Bush Blue Lake green bean varieties with: a. White and gray mold resistance b. Improved plant architecture c. High economic yield d. Improved pod quality (including straightness, color, smoothness, texture, flavor and quality retention, and delayed seed size development) e. Tolerance to abiotic stresses. Improve seed quality of materials in the breeding program to provide greater resistance to mechanical injury and low germination.

Floating Row Covers Reduce Virus Transmission to Potato Seed Stock (1986)

Control of virus-vectoring insects, particularly aphids, is essential in production of potatoes for seed to exclude viruses such as potato virus Y, leaf roll, and net necrosis. Seed production fields are heavily treated with insecticides to prevent virus transmission, but control is often inadequate. Floating row covers may protect plants from attack by insect vectors, reducing the need for insecticides. Row covers might also increase yield through their effect on air and soil temperatures around the plants.