Variety trials

Early Autumn Cauliflower Variety Trial (1986)

Trials to evaluate the heat tolerance of cauliflower have been conducted at the North Willamette Station for several years. These trials were transplanted in late May for July harvest. The 1985 trial differed in that the varieties were transplanted in early July for late summer to early autumn harvest. As with the earlier trials, the major desired quality is the ability to withstand high temperatures without ricing or discoloration while producing a high density, moderately sized head.


Early Cabbage Variety Trial (1986)

The purpose of this trial was to evaluate lines of cabbage for late spring or early summer harvest. This requires planting out in early spring and many varieties will bolt under these conditions. Direct seeding is often impossible in early spring and emergence would be slow and erratic. Thus, the lines were seeded in an unheated glasshouse for later transplant. This is the second in a series of early cabbage trials.


Overwinter Leek Variety Trial (1986)

Extremely high quality leeks are being produced on a small scale in the Willamette Valley with good yields. The crop is usually seeded in early spring, matures in autumn, and can be held through the winter for harvest the following spring. Very few varieties are grown commercially and the highest quality plants have been transplanted and grown in trench culture. The most lucrative market is the restaurant trade, which demands long, thick, blanched stems. Healthy foliage can also be used decoratively in presentation of restaurant dishes.

Screening Lettuce and Spinach Germplasm for Resistance to Beet Western Yellows Virus (1992)


Beet western yellows virus (BWYV), an aphid-vectored luteovirus, causes a pronounced, bright yellow color to the leaf margin of lettuce, spinach, and other leafy greens. Interveinal chlorosis may also develop. The virus does not usually stunt growth and is not considered a problem in many susceptible crops. However, where the leaves are harvested or comprise the edible portion of the crop, such as with lettuce, spinach, Chinese cabbage, and root crops sold with the shoots attached, even a slight expression of symptoms can render the crop unmarketable.