Variety trials

Root Rot of Sweet Corn in the Willamette Valley

Root rot of sweet corn is an important disease of sweet corn in the Willamette Valley of Oregon, first diagnosed in the 1990's.  Root rot is caused by a disease complex including Pythium arrhenomanes, Phoma terrestris, and Drechslera spp. Severe root rot was shown to reduce yield in Golden Jubilee by as much as 3 T/A and Super Sweet Jubilee by 1.5 T/A. Root rot also impacts crop quality by reducing ear fill and dimpling corn kernels.

Cultivar Evaluation for Control of Common Smut in Sweet Corn in the Columbia Basin (2010)

Twenty-two sweet corn cultivars were evaluated for resistance to natural infection by common smut. Four cultivars (Jubilee, Krispy King, Summer Sweet 610, and Supersweet Jubilee) have been included in all 12 years of these evaluations to gauge the relative severity of smut pressure over that time and in each trial season.

Green Bean Breeding and Evaluation

Objective: Breed improved Bush Blue Lake green bean varieties with:

a. White and gray mold resistance
b. Improved plant architecture
c. High economic yield
d. Improved pod quality (including straightness, color, smoothness, texture, flavor and quality retention, and delayed seed size devel-opment)
e. Tolerance to abiotic stresses
Improve seed quality of materials in the breeding program to provide greater re-sistance to mechanical injury and low germination issues.

Supplemental Report to the Oregon Processed Vegetable Commission 2010-2011: Processing and Quality Evaluation of Experimental Green Beans


Title: Green Bean Breeding and Evaluation

Project Leaders: Brian Yorgey, Food Science and Technology, Jim Myers, Horticulture

Project Dates: July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011

Project Funding: $40,288 breeding – Myers, $11,233 processing - Yorgey