Vegetable production

Pesticide Evaluation and Education - Magnitude of Residue Field Trials; Clethodim/Broccoli, Ethofumesate and Desmedipham/Beets

PROJECT LEADER: Robert B. McReynolds, District Extension Agent, IR-4 Field Research Center Coordinator

COOPERATORS: Rick Melnicoe, Director, Western Region 1R-4 & Jeffrey Jenkins, Extension Specialist, Agricultural Chemistry 


Long-Term Vegetable Crop Rotation Study


To evaluate effects of several winter cover crop systems, including fall-seeded and overseeded triticale, fall-seeded triticale plus winter pea, and overseeded red clover on yield and quality of sweet corn at three rates of N. The cover crops follow broccoli fertilized with three rates of N.

To evaluate the effect of these cover crops and the N applied to sweet corn on the amount of nitrate leached below the root zone.

To evaluate the effect of these cropping systems on the potential for herbicide degredation in the soil profile.

Green Bean Breeding

Objectives: Breed bush green beans for the western Oregon processing industry with:

Improved potential for high yields at favorable sieve sizes and dependability
Improved straightness, texture, and other quality factors
Develop easy picking and small pod strains of Blue Lake type
Resistance to white mold and root rot

Green Bean Breeding and Evaluation

The basic objective of the processing component of this research is to support the green bean breeding program being carried out by Dr. Jim Baggett in the Horticulture Department.

The specific objectives are:
To provide Dr. Baggett and the Oregon vegetable processing industry with frozen and canned samples of experimental green bean lines for comparison to varieties currently grown in Oregon,

To organize and conduct the industry cutting for evaluation of experimental beans, including data analysis, and

Evaluation of regional pheromone trapping for assessing risk of lepidopteran pest outbreaks in Willamette Valley broccoli and cauliflower plantings

Project Leader:

Dan McGrath, OSU Extension


Dr. Marcos Kogan, OSU Integrated Plant Protection Center

Dr. Glenn Fisher, OSU Dept. of Entomology

Duane Smith, AGRIPAC - Eugene, Oregon

Jim Gill, NORPAC - Stayton, Oregon