
Liming and clubroot control in brassicas- handout for 2013 Veg Field Day

Clubroot is becoming an increasing problem on Willamette Valley vegetable farms. Most cultivated brassica crops (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, etc.) are highly susceptible to the disease, which is caused by the soilborne fungus Plasmodiophora brassicae. In severe cases it can cause significant crop losses, and heavily infested fields may be taken out of production. Once a field is infected, eliminating the pathogen is difficult if not impossible because its thick walled resting spores have been shown to remain viable in soil for up to 18 years. As a result, once pathogen populations have developed to economically damaging levels, the goal of the farmer is to manage rather than eradicate the disease. One effective control strategy is to raise the soil pH to ≥7.2 through liming.

Outcrossing Potential for Brassica Species and Implications for Vegetable Crucifer Seed Crops of Growing Oilseed Brassicas in the Willamette Valley

Myers, J.R. 2006.  Outcrossing Potential for Brassica Species, and Implications for Vegetable Crucifer Seed Crops of Growing Oilseed Brassicas in the Willamette Valley.  OSUES SR 1064.

Broccoli Breeding (2004)


Report to the Oregon Processed Vegetable Commission

Jim Myers
OSU Dept of Horticulture

Brian Yorgey
OSU Dept of Food Science and Technology


  1. Develop broccoli hybrids adapted to western Oregon with suitable quality, high yields, and disease resistance.
  2. Evaluate cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) as a method for producing F1 hybrid seed.

Insect Contamination of Broccoli and Cauliflower (2003)

Report to the Oregon Processed Vegetable Commission

Dan McGrath
OSU Dept. of Horticulture


  1. Maintain, evaluate, and refine a regional pest monitoring network for selected Lepidopteran pests of broccoli and cauliflower, and other crops.
  2. Develop new strategies for detecting aphid outbreaks.
  3. Evaluate whether less aggressive spray programs are effective during periods of low insect pressure.
  4. Compare the effectiveness of aphid and looper pesticides at various levels of insect pressure.