
Pepper Variety Trial, 1978

This trial included several sweet or bell pepper varieties which have been grown in the Valley for several years, new releases from seed companies, new hot pepper lines from the New Mexico State University breeding program, and a few common hot pepper types. Of the 32 varieties tested, 7 were hot or chile types, the remainder bell or other sweet peppers. Qualities desired are earliness, good yield potential, large and attractive fruit, and strong growth habit with good fruit cover.


Pickling Pepper Trial, 1982

Local growers and processors could benefit by introduction of new crops into the Willamette Valley. Currently, processors of pickling peppers import their needs from more southerly growing areas. Local production has been thought to be limited by lack of adapted cultivars, poor yields, or quality problems. The following trial was undertaken to evaluate the yield potential of four pepper cultivars collected by the Steinfeld's Co., and to investigate the use of ethephon as a ripening agent for cherry type peppers.
