
Muskmelon and Tomato Production in Response to Plant Protection (1988)


Tomato and muskmelon production in the Willamette Valley is limited by cool springs, a short growing season, and relatively cool nights, even during mid-summer. Cultural techniques to increase the mean air and soil temperature around plants, such as black plastic ground mulch, floating row covers, and tunnels, have hastened development and increased yield of both these crops.

Muskmelon and Tomato Production on Photodegradable and Wavelength-Selective Mulches (1990)


Tomato and muskmelon production in the Willamette Valley is limited by cool springs, a short growing season, and relatively cool nights, even during mid-summer. Cultural techniques to increase the mean air and soil temperatures around plants, such as plastic mulch and row covers, have hastened development and increased yield of both crops.