Report to the Oregon Processed Vegetable Commission
Jim Meyers
OSU Dept of Horticulture
Brian Yorgey
OSU Dept of Food Science and Technology
- Develop broccoli varieties adapted to western Oregon with suitable quality, high yields, and disease resistance. Specific traits include:
- Early to midseason maturity
- Concentrated yield potential
- Head rot and downy mildew resistance
- Large openly branched heads that are well exerted and have clean stems for easy trimming and separation into florets
- Firm, uniform florets of good color
- Fine beads with short pedicels, which are retained after freezing
- Develop seed production systems using cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) or self incompatibility (SI) to produce field scale quantities of F1 hybrid seed.
- Conduct pilot scale field production of inbreds and hybrids that produce sufficient quantities of seed.