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Lloyd Nackley

nackleyl [at]
North Willamette Research and Extension Center
North Willamette Res & Ext Ctr 15210 NE Miley Rd
Dr. Lloyd Nackley, a plant ecologist, applies a systems approach to improve nursery and greenhouse management. With over 20 years of horticulture experience, including landscape design, ecological restoration, plant propagation, and nursery and greenhouse management, he is interested in understanding how natural and controlled environments impact plant growth and development, and how these interactions influence management decisions and societies' ability to sustain essential ecosystem goods and services. This was highlighted in his research on how climate change might affect horticultural crops, biofuel crops, and invasive plant species. His research helped reframe our ideas of invasive plant management.
Dr. Nackley's research program focuses on addressing four major challenges facing nursery and greenhouse production in Oregon: irrigation application, pest management, plant nutrition, and climate adaptation. His work supports production systems by providing practical solutions to enhance the efficiency of given resources and improve the sustainability of ecosystem goods and services. Highlights include integrating laser-guided spray systems, environmental sensing like load-cell based irrigation, and applying plant hydraulic frameworks to nursery production.