
The lab's objectives

The goals of the vegetable weed science lab is to conduct weed science research and extension in vegetable and specialty seed crops of Oregon. We aim to understand the plant-management-environment interactions and how we can use that knowledge to develop integrated weed management plans in the field. We will deliver that knowledge to the practitioners in the field through a variety of ways including field days, extension publications, newsletters and personal interactions. Please feel free to reach out if there is a weed management issue that needs to be addressed in the region.



About Dr. Aaron Becerra-Alvarez

Ph.D. 2024. University of California, Davis
B.S. 2019. California State University, Chico


Dr. Aaron Becerra-Alvarez earned his PhD from the University of California, Davis in March 2024 under the supervision of Dr. Kassim Al-Khatib. His dissertation was titled "Characterizing the Herbicide Pendimethalin for Water-Seeded Rice." His research focused on the plant-herbicide interactions in the water-seeded rice system and developed new weed management practices to be used in that system.
Aaron was born and raised in the small agricultural town of Boonville in the North Coast region of California.  Early on, he developed a passion for agriculture which continued through his academic journey. He received a Bachelor in Science from the California State University, Chico in the field of Crop Science and Horticulture. Then, he continued on conducting rice weed research in the Sacramento Valley which led him to obtain his PhD at UC Davis.
In his new role at OSU, Aaron aims to help the vegetable and specialty seed growers of Oregon to remain profitable for the upcoming years through integrated weed management research and extension.
See peer-reviewed journal publications here