HORT 260 Organic Farming and Gardening (3)
Organic farming and gardening methods are discussed in class and practiced in the field. The philosophical background of organic farming as well as the biological, environmental and social factors involved in organic food production are covered. Emphasis is on hands-on application of scientific principles to create sustainable food production systems. Lec/lab. Download flyer now »
HORT 499/599 or CROP 499/599 Organic and Third Party Certifications (2)
Spring Term 2014 - Tuesday 3:00-4:20 & Thursday 3:00-3:50, ALS 3096
Certification and labeling of the production and processing of agricultural products are some of the only ways that consumers can assure that the food they consume aligns with their values. There is a growing need to determine and understand what many of these food labels mean. In this course, students will learn the standards, procedures and processes necessary to certify land, production and processing as USDA organic, and correctly label products for the organic market as well as listing agricultural inputs for use in organic agriculture. In addition to Organic Certification, other important Third Party Certifications will be presented and discussed with the assistance of invited speakers. Download course flyer »
HORT 499/599 or CROP 499/599 Advanced Organic Farming (2)
Spring Term 2014 - Tuesday 1:00-2:20, ALS 3096
Peer-reviewed research on a broad range of topics related to Organic Agriculture has been ongoing for well over a decade and continues to increase. This course will focus on this body of knowledge to reveal the techniques, advances as well as needs and concerns in what is now one of the fastest growing sectors in agriculture. The course places high expectations on participants to read, present, and discuss the published literature. Students must be highly motivated to fulfill the requirements and expectations of this demanding subject. Additionally, credit-seeking participants must have senior status, some course work, or equivalent experience on the subject of Organic Agriculture (or consent of instructors). Download course flyer »