Organic Research and Extension Projects


Project Started
Breeding Vegetables for Organic Systems

We are in the second year of three years of funding for organic breeding. The three breeding projects (late blight resistant tomatoes, bush tromboncino summer squash, OP broccoli) will extend beyond the timeframe of the grant with the earliest expectation of release being with broccoli materials in 2007. The tomato and summer squash projects have another seven years or so before we will see the first variety release.

Integrating Beetle Habitat into Pacific Northwest Farming Systems

Why care about Beetles?

Organic Vegetable and Tree Fruit Production

Organic production in the lower Willamette Valley has been strong for years. New growers getting into organic production require training in general production techniques. An extension program training farmers in innovative production methods is ongoing. An organic fertilizer guide was needed to aid organic farmers in making fertilization decisions. A guide was developed and reviewed by staff from Oregon Tilth and WSDA's organic program. Approximately 1,200 guides have been distributed.

Resource Guide for Specialty Seed Production

More information about this research project can be found at the website link.

Alternative Feedstocks for Organic Dairy Producers

Small Farms Website

The small farms website is an outreach component of the Oregon State University Extension Small Farms Program. On their website you can find links to important Extension fact sheets, subscribe to their newsletter, download the organic fertilizer and cover crop calculator, and read their technical reports.

Trap and Kill Technologies for Cucumber Beetles

The western spotted cucumber beetle (WSCB) is a major pest of many vegetable crops grown the western United States, including snap beans, sweet corn, spinach, cauliflower and lettuce. The striped cucumber beetle (STCB) is the most important insect pest of cucurbits, destroying seedlings and reducing yield through larval root feeding. There are few effective control measures available for these pests in organic farming systems.

Conservation Biological Control
Weed Control in a Dryland Organic Wheat/Legume Production System

A weed management field trial was established on transitional land at Blue Mountain Community College (BMCC) in collaboration with their undergraduate agriculture program. Seeding rate, plant density and green manure species will be manipulated to determine the effects on weed densities in organic wheat production. BMCC students established the trial and will be participating in data collection. Students may put together a website for the trial where data and pictures would be posted.

Conservation Biological Control in Caneberries

More information about this research project can be found at the website link below.

News Articles

New Organic Agriculture Courses Offered Spring Term 2014

HORT 260 Organic Farming and Gardening (3)
Organic farming and gardening methods are discussed in class and practiced in the... more