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Linda Mc Mahan

Emeritus Appointment
linda.mcmahan [at]

Office: 503-434-7517

  • Plant conservation
  • Botanic Garden collections (I do periodic assessments)
  • Landscaping with Native Plants
  • Ecological Gardening, such as gardening for wildlife, lowering carbon footprint, conserving water, using fewer chemicals.
Outreach and Extension

As horticulturist for OSU Extension, I work with training and managing the OSU Master Gardener Program in Yamhill County.  I also work with developing and managing online learning opportunities in home horticulture statewide and for OSU Extended Campus.  Products include a Blended Master Gardener Program (both in class and online) in Yamhill County and assisting other counties with online options for master gardener training.  I have developed a stand-alone course on WaterWise Gardening:Plant Selection to be offered in 2012 through OSU Extended Campus.  My clients include master gardeners and the general gardening public. Other activities include developing web resources and publications for the general public on various topics of gardening interest including native plants, water-efficient landscaping, gardening by streams, other environmental gardening approaches and activities on general gardening.