Spotted-wing Drosophila (SWD) Monitoring
This short video explains the design of apple cider vinegar SWD monitoring trap and how to install the trap in the field.
This short video explains the design of apple cider vinegar SWD monitoring trap and how to install the trap in the field.
Summary of SCRI-funded research results from year 3 of the project. It was developed from updated reports and presentations at the 11/2012 SWD Stakeholder Advisory Committee Meeting.
Recognize fruit damage from spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii. 2010. Walton, V., J. Lee, D. Bruck, P. Shearer, E. Parent, T. Whitney, A. J. Dreves. 2010. OSU Extension Publication EM 9021.
Dichotomous Key (courtesy of ODA)
SWD ID Card (courtesy of UC Berkeley and UC Cooperative Extension)
Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD) Monitoring, Identifying, and Fruit Sampling (courtesy of WSU Extension)
We've compiled a list of the most frequently-used resources, reports, and bulletins used by growers and other affected by SWD.
How to distinguish larvae of spotted wing drosophila from those of cherry fruit fly
Statewide SWD Realtime Mapping - Maps by county for Oregon
SWD Degree Day Phenology Model - Forecasted development of SWD population by degree days
Prevention - This is only effective if the pest has not made it to the targeted area. Use sanitation practices to destroy fruit culls. Remove other potential SWD habitat. Promptly remove all non-marketable hanging fruit from your fields. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.