Broccoli Breeding, Evaluation and Seed Production Report (2010)
This report was generated for the Oregon Processed Vegetable Commission (OPVC)
This report was generated for the Oregon Processed Vegetable Commission (OPVC)
Objective: Breed improved Bush Blue Lake green bean varieties with:
a. White and gray mold resistance
b. Improved plant architecture
c. High economic yield
d. Improved pod quality (including straightness, color, smoothness, texture, flavor and quality retention, and delayed seed size devel-opment)
e. Tolerance to abiotic stresses
Improve seed quality of materials in the breeding program to provide greater re-sistance to mechanical injury and low germination issues.
Principal Investigator: Cynthia M. Ocamb, Ext. Specialist & Associate Professor, Botany and Plant Pathology, OSU – Corvallis
Co-investigator: Nathan Miller, Postdoctoral Research Assistant, BPP, OSU
Collaborators: Jim Myers (Dept. of Horticulture, OSU) and Rogers Brand Vegetable Seed
Report to the Oregon Processed Vegetable Commission
Cindy Ocamb
OSU Dept of Botany and Plant Pathology
Nathan Miller
Postdoctoral Research Assistant, BPP, OSU
David H. Gent
USDA-ARS, Corvallis
Robert B. McReynolds
OSU North Willamette Research & Ext. Center
Jim Myers
OSU Dept. of Horticulture
Objectives for 2010 and Accomplishments:
Conduct a field trial to evaluate the use of UV seed disinfestation on carrot growth and disease levels
Seed-borne pathogen levels were reduced in one carrot seed line when treated with UV light. That same line had the largest reduction in pathogen levels in healthy leaf tissue but the difference was not strongly significant (P = 0.068). Disease levels were reduced in one seed line but overall Xanthomonas populations and disease in the field were inconsistent.
A network of local weather stations may provide the processed vegetable industry with more accurate weather forecasts. Local weather data may enhance our ability to predict crop developmental stages, insect pest population trends, and disease high-risk periods.
For bean production in the Willamette Valley, perhaps one of the most obvious objectives is resistance to white mold (Sclerotinia) since this pathogen is difficult to control using chemicals and no native resistance has been found in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). It has been shown that the production of oxalic acid by the fungus Sclerotinia is the primary cause of pathogenicity. If the oxalic acid can be degraded rapidly by the plant, the symptoms of infection can be inhibited.
Gatch, E., 2009. Organic Seed Treatments and Coatings . eOrganic article. Available at