The Principles of Tomato Grafting

On February 1st, 2022, a tomato grafting workshop was held at the Oak Creek Center for Urban Horticulture. The name of the workshop was The Principles of Tomato Grafting. The workshop was led by Cassandra Waterman and Matt Davis and featured a panel discussion with four Oregon farmers and tomato grafters.

  • Alice Doyle of Log House Plants
  • Beth Satterwhite of Even Pull Farms
  • Leanna Eklund of Oregon State University
  • Paula House of Gathering Together Farm

After the panel discussion participants had an opportunity to practice grafting tomatoes under the supervision of Satterwhite, Waterman, and House. They also were able to view a healing chamber demonstration by Doyle and Davis.

Funding for the workshop and these materials was provided by Western SARE. This workshop is part of a project entitled, "Production and marketing of dry-farmed tomatoes in Oregon". Plants were provided by Log House Plants and seeds were provided by Vitalis Organic Seeds. Translations to spanish provided by Lars Romsos.


After the workshop, Oregon State University put together the following materials based on the workshop. 

Principles of Tomato Grafting Presentation - A 42 minute video overview of the Principles of Grafting including testimony from the discussion panel. Presented by Cassandra Waterman and Matt Davis.

Tomato Grafting Demonstration - A 15 minute video demonstrating splice grafting technique, presented by Matt Davis

