
 Anethum graveolens

 Last revised February 5, 2010

 VARIETIES (approximately 65 days)

 Boquet, Dukat (highly aromatic), Fernleaf, Mammoth. For trial: Long Island.


Dill seed numbers approximately 14,000 per ounce. Seeds are sown to allow for a final stand of plants 6-10 inches apart in rows 2-3 feet apart. One to two lb of seed are needed per acre if grown for fresh market, and 5-8 lb per acre if grown to be distilled for oil. When grown for distillation, plant population is higher, with approximately 6-10 plants per lineal foot.

For use with dill pickles, seed 1 week earlier than pickling cucumbers.


For the most current advice, see Nutrient Management for Sustainable Vegetable Cropping Systems in Western Oregon, available as a free download from the OSU Extension Catalog

A well-drained sandy soil is best. Fertilizer applications should be based on soil test. The crop should not be over-fertilized with nitrogen or it will produce excess leaves and stalk rather than seed. If available, apply barnyard manure at 10 tons/acre early in the spring. Also at, or just before planting, apply:

Nitrogen: 75-100 N lb/acre
Phosphorus: 80-120 (P205) lb/acre
Potassium: 80-120 (K20) lb/acre
Sulfur: 15-20 (S) lb/acre


Yields of dill are estimated at about 5,000 lb fresh weight/acre. Dry weight is reported at from 1,000 to 3,000 lb/acre.

When bunching for fresh market, cut or pull stalks and bunch after the majority of seeds have formed but are still green.

If dill is to be distilled for oil, harvest just as plants begin to form seed stalks. Plants are machine harvested into special steel tanks for steam distillation.

For seed, combine when seed has dried to 10% moisture or less.


Dill is bunched 12-18 plants per bunch for fresh market.
