Nitrogen Rates, Timing, Placement, Catch Crops, and Crop Rotations on Yield and Nitrogen Utilization of Vegetable Crops


  • Evaluate the effect of timing of N application on broccoli yield.
  • Evaluate N uptake efficiency in broccoli and sweet corn at optimal and suboptimal N rates and continue to refine measurements of nitrate leaching.
  • Evaluate the N-trapping efficiency of catch crops following 1991 and 1992 broccoli crops.
  • Evaluate the effects of N placement on cauliflower and sweet corn yield.
  • Evaluate the potential for leaching of nitrate from cauliflower plantings fertilzed with the optimal rate of N.
  • Evaluate the possibility of interseeding as a means of establishing a catch crop in cauliflower.
  • Evaluate the effect of several N sources on sweet corn yield.
  • Evaluate sweet corn response to catch crops and evaluate the N-trapping efficiency of catch crops following corn with both standard and reduced herbicide inputs.
