Rate, Timing of Application, Source, and Placement of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Yield of Cauliflower (1994)


Vegetable growers in the Willamette Valley use high rates of nitrogen fertilizers, often exceeding 300 pounds actual N/acre per season. While growers claim that these rates are necessary to achieve maximum yields and quality, a considerable portion of the applied fertilizer is not taken up by the crop. This has raised concerns that the remaining nitrogen may be contributing to nitrate pollution of groundwater. Improved efficiency of nitrogen management in vegetable crops may be possible if the fertilizer could be applied at the time of maximum crop need and placed for maximum contact with the root system. Sources of nitrogen may differ in efficiency of N uptake because of differences in volatility, degree of leaching, or crop preference for ammonium or nitrate.

A trial in 1991 investigated broccoli yield response to a wide range of rates of nitrogen as well as different methods of fertilizer placement. Method of placement did not affect yield. Rates of applied N up to 250 pounds per acre did not significantly increase the soil nitrate or ammonium concentration at the end of the growing season. Cauliflower is planted at lower populations and with greater between-row spacing than is the norm for broccoli. In a 1992 trial cauliflower yield increased with increasing rate of applied nitrogen up to 240 pounds/acre. Yield did not vary with band or broadcast placement of fertilizer at planting but there was a trend toward greater yield with the banded application. Broadcast application of sidedressed nitrogen was superior to banded application. The purpose of these trials was to confirm results obtained in 1992 and to investigate the effects of timing of application of sidedressed nitrogen as well as the form of the sidedressed nitrogen. A second purpose was to study soil nitrogen accumulation as a function of rate of applied nitrogen and presence of a winter catch crop and to monitor loss of nitrate through the soil profile in the winter following the crop.


'Snowball Y' cauliflower was direct-seeded in a Willamette silt loam, pH 6.0, at the NWREC on 10 June in both 1993 and 1994. Rows were 12 inches apart with a plant density of about two/inch in the row. Plot preparation included a broadcast and incorporated application of 10N-8.7P-16.7K fertilizer at 600 pounds/acre, boron at 2.0 pounds/acre, ammonium molybdate at 2 ounces/acre, trifluralin at 0.75 pounds/acre, and chlorpyrifos at 1.3 pounds/acre. On 27 July, 1993 (20 July, 1994) the seedlings were lifted with a shovel and transplanted bare-root into their final location. Soil preparation was the same as for the seed bed. Transplants were set in rows 2.5 feet apart with 18 inches between plants in the row. Plot size was three rows, 20 feet long. All three rows were harvested.

The initial application of 40 pounds N/acre was either broadcast as urea or banded as calcium-ammonium nitrate solution (CAN-17) three inches to the side of the row immediately after transplanting and irrigated in. The remaining nitrogen was broadcast or banded on the appropriate plots on 2 September or on 2 and 21 September, 1993 (24 August or 24 August and 21 September, 1994) depending on the treatment (Table 6). Sidedress N source was either urea, calcium nitrate (CN), or CAN-17 as appropriate for the treatment. Treatments were in randomized complete block design with four replications. The plots were sprinkler-irrigated as necessary and harvested on 8 and 19 October, and 2 November, 1993 (10 and 21 October, 1994). Two sets of plots were overseeded with 'Wheeler' cereal rye on 7 September to determine the feasibility of overseeding in cauliflower as a means of establishing a winter nitrogen catch crop. Following the last harvest in 1993, soil in treatments 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 11 was sampled to 48-inch depth in 12-inch increments. The plots were maintained through the winter in order to resample for soil nitrogen content and cover crop biomass accumulation. Shoots were clipped to 1 inch above the soil surface on 18 April. After weighing, subsamples were weighed, dried, reweighed, and submitted for analysis of total N. The soil of treatments 1-5 and 10 were sampled in 1-foot increments to 5-foot depth on 21 April. Samples were frozen and submitted for analysis of nitrate and ammonium content.

Results and Discussion

For the plots receiving only broadcast applications of urea, yield and mean head weight increased with increasing rate of nitrogen to a maximum at 240 pounds N/acre in 1993 and 180 pounds in 1994 (Table 7). The same trend was not true for the percentage of Grade No. 1 heads (defect-free), as only an increase from no applied nitrogen to the lowest rate of 60 pounds/acre caused an increase in quality in 1993 and N rate did not affect curd quality in 1994. In 1992, quality continued to increase with increasing increments of applied N. Previous work at the OSU vegetable farm suggested that the optimum rate of nitrogen application to cauliflower is in the range of 150 to 200 pounds/acre, similar to the results obtained in these trials.

Banded versus broadcast application of N at planting had no significant effect on yield or quality in 1993 (Table 8). In 1992, there was a greater trend toward higher yield and head size with a banded application but it was also not a statistically significant effect. Apparently, even with rows 30 inches apart, enough feeder roots establish in the soil between the rows that concentrating the fertilizer near the plant row is not a great advantage. This is in agreement with results obtained on broccoli grown on 16 or 20-inch row spacing.

Banded versus broadcast application of the sidedressed nitrogen also did not result in significant differences (Table 8). This is in contrast to 1992, when greater yield and mean head size occurred with a broadcast application. However, the single greatest yield in this trial was with the combination of broadcast fertilizer at planting, broadcast sidedress fertilizer, and a rate of 240 pounds N/acre.

Overseeding cereal rye about four weeks (1993) or seven weeks (1994) before first harvest did not reduce cauliflower yield (Table 9). This is consistent with results obtained in 1992, even though the rye development was greater than in 1993 and 1994 than in 1992.

Use of calcium nitrate, rather than urea, as the source for the sidedressed nitrogen had no effect on yield for the sum of the harvests in either year (Tables 10 and 11). Calcium-ammonium nitrate, as compared to urea, also had no effect on yield or head size in 1994 (Table 12).

Splitting the sidedressed N application such that half was not applied until eight or nine weeks after transplanting had no effect on yield or quality (Tables 11 and 13). However, there was a significant interaction of N source x timing of application affecting mean head weight and gross yield in 1994 (Table 11): splitting the sidedress N application decreased yield with urea as N source, but increased it with calcium nitrate. Further testing would be needed to determine if this effect is reproducible and biologically significant. Number of heads harvested at either harvest was not affected by N source or splitting the sidedress N application, indicating these factors did not affect maturity (data not shown).

In 1993, cauliflower effectively depleted the root zone of nitrate and ammonium at all rates of applied N except 240 pounds/acre (Table 14). Even at the high rate of N, residual soil nitrate was comparable to that before any fertilizer was applied. Apparently, cauliflower is similar to broccoli in N uptake efficiency, even though it was planted at a lower plant population and wider between-row spacing. Calcium nitrate versus urea as N source had no effect on residual soil nitrate and ammonium levels at harvest (Table 15). Splitting the sidedressed N also did not affect residual soil N concentrations (Table 16).

Cereal rye growing on plots that had been fertilized with 120 or 240 pounds N/acre accumulated a shoot dry weight of 0.55 and 1.19 tons/acre, respectively, on 18 April. This corresponds to nitrogen uptake of 16 and 36 pounds N/acre, respectively. Considering that only about 45 pounds of mineral N was present in the top foot of soil immediately after harvest of plots fertilized with 240 pounds N/acre, uptake of 36 pounds N/acre appears to represent recovery of a significant portion of the residual mineral N. Overseeding a grain into cauliflower may be a practical alternative for establishing an effective N catch crop in this late-harvested vegetable crop.

When re-sampled in the spring of 1994, after 24 inches of precipitation, rate of applied N had no effect on soil ammonium concentration (Table 17). Soil nitrate concentration tended to increase with greater rates of applied N. The nitrate concentration of the surface 10 inches of soil decreased from those immediately after harvest, while that of the next 30 inches of the profile increased, indicating probably of movement of nitrate with the winter rainfall. The rye cover crop significantly reduced soil nitrate concentration at all but the 20-30 inch depth, but had no effect on soil ammonium concentration.


Table 6. List of treatments, cauliflower N utilization trials, NWREC              No.  Total N   Placement             Placement and timing              applied   at planting              of sidedress                                -------------------------------lb/A---------------------------------------------   1993   1      0      0                    None   2     60     40 broadcast, urea    20 broadcast, 5 weeks   3    120     40 broadcast, urea    80 broadcast, 5 weeks   4    180     40 broadcast, urea   140 broadcast, 5 weeks   5    240     40 broadcast, urea   200 broadcast, 5 weeks   6    120     40 banded, urea       80 broadcast, 5 weeks   7    120     40 broadcast, urea    80 banded, 5 weeks   8    120     40 banded, urea       80 banded, 5 weeks   9    120     40 broadcast, urea    80 broadcast, 5 weeks; overseed, 6 weeks  10    240     40 broadcast, urea   200 broadcast, 5 weeks; overseed, 6 weeks  11    120     40 broadcast, urea    80 broadcast as calcium nitrate, 5 weeks  12    240     40 broadcast, urea   200 broadcast as calcium nitrate, 5 weeks  13    120     40 broadcast, urea    40 broadcast, 5 weeks;  40 broadcast, 9 weeks  14    240     40 broadcast, urea   100 broadcast, 5 weeks; 100 broadcast, 9 weeks    1994   1      0      0                     0   2     60     40 broadcast, urea    20 broadcast, 5 weeks, urea   3    120     40 broadcast, urea    80 broadcast, 5 weeks, urea   4    180     40 broadcast, urea   140 broadcast, 5 weeks, urea   5    240     40 broadcast, urea   200 broadcast, 5 weeks, urea   6    120     40 broadcast, urea    80 broadcast, overseed, urea   7    240     40 broadcast, urea   200 broadcast, overseed, urea   8    120     40 broadcast, urea    80 broadcast, calcium nitrate   9    180     40 broadcast, urea   140 broadcast, calcium nitrate  10    120     40 broadcast, urea    40 bcast, 5 weeks; 40 bcast 9 weeks, CN  11    180     40 broadcast, urea    70 bcast, 5 weeks; 70 bcast 9 weeks, CN  12    120     40 broadcast, urea    40 bcast, 5 weeks; 40 bcast 9 weeks, urea  13    180     40 broadcast, urea    70 bcast, 5 weeks; 70 bcast 9 weeks, urea  14    180     40 banded, CAN-17    140 banded, 5 weeks, CAN-17                          Table 7. Effect of rate of broadcast urea nitrogen on yield,   head size, and quality of cauliflower, NWREC                   N rate         Mean head       Grade No. 1     Total yield  (lb/acre)       wt. (g)         heads (%)      (tons/acre)     1993    0               565              39.5            7.1             60               664              62.5            8.5            120               809              62.7           10.6            180               978              58.6           11.9            240              1002              53.9           12.4        LSD (0.05)  170              16.6            2.6         1994    0               580              41.1            6.3           60               740              60.2            8.2          120               856              56.7           10.1         180              1046              66.5           12.3         240              1043              61.2           12.1        LSD (0.05)  162               NS             2.2                 Table 8. Effect of broadcast versus banded application of initial and   sidedressed nitrogen on yield, head size and quality of cauliflower, 1993  Placement    Placement          Mean head   Grade No. 1   Total yield  at planting  at sidedress        wt. (g)     heads (%)    (tons/acre)      Broadcast    Broadcast             809          62.7         10.6               Banded                924          60.2         11.3  Banded       Broadcast             923          51.5         10.9               Banded                889          63.0         11.0        Broadcast at planting mean   867          61.4         11.0        Banded at planting mean      906          57.8         11.0            Significance, planting    NS           NS           NS        Broadcast at sidedress mean  866          57.1         10.8        Banded at sidedress mean     906          61.6         11.2            Significance, sidedress   NS           NS           NS              Table 9. Effect of overseeding cereal rye on cauliflower yield,   head size, and quality at two rates of nitrogen, NWREC            Treatment       N rate    Mean head   Grade No. 1    Total yield                 (lb/acre)   wt. (g)     heads (%)     (tons/acre)  1993  Overseeded       120         859         66.3          10.7                   240         988         54.5          11.2                        Mean   924         60.4          11.0  Not overseeded   120         809         62.7          10.6                   240        1002         53.9          12.4                        Mean   906         58.3          11.5                 Significance   NS          NS             NS  1994  Overseeded       120         898         60.7          10.4                   240        1025         60.0          11.6                        Mean   962         60.4          11.0  Not overseeded   120         856         56.7          10.1                   240        1043         61.2          12.1                        Mean   950         59.0          11.1                 Significance   NS          NS             NS           Table 10. Effect of sidedressed nitrogen source on cauliflower yield,  head size, and quality at two rates of nitrogen, NWREC, 1993            N source        N rate    Mean head   Grade No. 1   Total yield                 (lb/acre)   wt. (g)     heads (%)    (tons/acre)       Urea             120         809         62.7          10.6                       240        1002         53.9          12.4                         Mean  906         58.3          11.5  Calcium nitrate  120         857         67.7          10.2                   240         972         60.2          12.2                         Mean  915         63.9          11.2                  Significance  NS          NS            NS                Table 11. Effect of sidedressed nitrogen source and timing on cauliflower   yield, head size, and quality at two rates of nitrogen, NWREC, 1994          N source        Timing   N rate    Mean head   Grade No. 1   Total yield                          (lb/acre)   wt. (g)     heads (%)    (tons/acre)  Urea             early   120         856         56.7          10.1                              180        1045         66.5          12.3                          Mean, early  951         61.6          11.2                     late    120         783         61.9           9.1                           180         951         62.0          10.9                          Mean, late   867         61.9          10.0                          Mean, urea   909         60.0          10.6    Calcium nitrate  early   120         849         61.5           9.6                           180         966         64.2          11.1                          Mean, early  908         62.9          10.4                     late    120         904         65.5          10.4                           180        1092         55.1          13.4                          Mean, late   998         60.3          11.9                          Mean, CN     953         61.6          11.1      Significance, N rate             **           NS            **                    N source           NS           NS            NS                    Timing             NS           NS            NS                    Source x Timing    **           NS            **                    Other interactions NS           NS            NS            Table 12. Effect of urea versus CAN-17 as N source on cauliflower,   head size, and quality at 180 pounds N/acre, NWREC, 1994           N source            Mean head    Grade No. 1    Total yield                       wt. (g)      heads (%)     (tons/acre)        Urea                  1045          66.5           12.3  CAN-17                1063          61.4           12.3            Significance NS            NS             NS                 Table 13. Effect of splitting the application of sidedressed nitrogen on  cauliflower, head size, and quality at two rates of nitrogen, NWREC, 1993    Timing of Application    N rate     Mean head    Grade No. 1    Total yield                          (lb/acre)    wt. (g)      heads (%)     (tons/acre)  All at 5 weeks             120         809          62.7           10.6                             240        1002          53.9           12.4                                   Mean  906          58.3           11.5    Half at 5 weeks,           120         966          61.5           11.8  remainder at 8 weeks       240         928          67.5           11.8                                   Mean  947          63.5           11.8                            Significance  NS           NS             NS            Table 14. Effect of rate of broadcast nitrogen on soil nitrate and ammonium  concentrations (ppm) following final cauliflower harvest, 11 November, 1993                                             N rate, lb/A                                                                 0    60   120   160    240  LSD(.05)  Depth of sample (inches)                                                                                Pre-plant  -----------Post-harvest------------     Nitrate   0-10                      10.9      0.3   0.6   0.6   5.8   10.8    7.9     10-20                       5.2      0.6   0.4   0.3   1.3    1.4    NSD     20-30                       3.3      1.3   0.5   0.6   1.0    1.2    NSD     30-40                       2.3      1.4   1.2   1.1   0.8    1.3    NSD  Ammonium   0-10                       5.1      2.0   2.3   2.5   3.6    5.3    2.0  10-20                       4.9      1.3   1.7   1.8   2.4    2.2    NSD  20-30                       3.8      1.7   1.8   2.0   1.8    1.8    NSD  30-40                       3.5      1.7   1.6   1.8   1.5    1.5    NSD         Table 15. Effect of nitrogen source and rate on soil nitrate and ammonium   concentrations (ppm) following final cauliflower harvest, 11 November, 1993                                      Urea               Calcium nitrate  Depth of sample (inches)               N rate, lb/A                                             120    240   Mean    120   240  Mean  LSD (0.05)z  Nitrate   0-10                        0.6   10.8   5.7     0.6   7.9   4.3    7.9  10-20                        0.3    1.4   0.8     0.4   1.4   0.9    NSD  20-30                        0.6    1.2   0.9     0.9   1.2   1.0    NSD  30-40                        1.1    1.3   1.2     1.0   1.3   1.2    NSD  Ammonium   0-10                        2.5    5.3   3.9     2.4   3.6   3.0    2.0  10-20                        1.8    2.2   2.0     1.6   1.9   1.8    NSD  20-30                        2.0    1.8   1.9     1.6   1.8   1.7    NSD  30-40                        1.8    1.5   1.7     1.5   1.6   1.6    NSD      zLSD for N source x N rate interaction.  Main effect of N source    nonsignificant for both ammonium and nitrate at all depths.      Table 16. Effect of splitting the sidedress urea application and nitrogen rate  on soil nitrate and ammonium concentrations (ppm) following final cauliflower   harvest, NWREC, 11 November, 1993                                                                             Single sidedress       Split sidedress                                             N rate, lb/A                            Depth of sample (inches)     120    240  Mean       120   240  Mean  LSD (0.05)z  Nitrate   0-10                        0.6   10.8   5.7       0.8   6.0   3.4    7.9  10-20                        0.3    1.4   0.8       0.4   1.6   1.0    NSD  20-30                        0.6    1.2   0.9       0.9   1.6   1.2    NSD  30-40                        1.1    1.3   1.2       1.2   1.3   1.2    NSD  Ammonium   0-10                        2.5    5.3   3.9       2.2   6.1   4.1    2.0  10-20                        1.8    2.2   2.0       2.0   1.9   2.0    NSD  20-30                        2.0    1.8   1.9       1.9   1.9   1.9    NSD  30-40                        1.8    1.5   1.7       1.6   1.7   1.6    NSD        zLSD for sidedress x N rate interaction.  Main effect of splitting the   sidedress N application nonsignificant for both ammonium and nitrate at all depths.      Table 17. Effect of rate of applied nitrogen and a rye cover crop on   residual soil nitrate and ammonium concentrations, 28 April, 1994            Sample depth              Rate of applied urea, lb/acre          LSD (0.05)  (inches)                  0    60   120   180   240  240 (cover)                                     ------------------------ppm---------------------  Nitrate   0-10                   0.5   1.1   1.7   0.8   2.6      0.8         1.2  10-20                   0.6   1.2   1.6   2.7   5.0      3.0         0.8  20-30                   0.5   1.1   1.4   4.5   4.4      3.7         2.2  30-40                   0.3   0.6   0.8   2.1   4.0      2.7         1.3  Ammonium   0-10                   2.4   2.0   2.5   2.1   2.3      2.2          NS  10-20                   2.6   2.1   2.3   1.9   2.0      1.9          NS  20-30                   2.2   2.0   2.0   2.1   1.8      2.0          NS  30-40                   2.0   1.5   1.7   1.7   2.6      1.7          NS     
