Organic No-Till Cover Cropping 2: Weed Em and Reap Part 2


Weed 'Em and Reap Part 2: Reduced tillage strategies for vegetable cropping systems [DVD]. A. Stone. 2006. Oregon State University Dept. of Horticulture. Corvallis, Oregon. Available at: (verified 17 Dec 2008).


Ron Morse. Virginia Tech. Blacksburg, VA.

Audio Text

Cover crops can be and normally are crop specific. One is cereal rye bi-culture with hairy vetch. This can be used successfully for fruit crops like tomatoes, peppers, and pumpkins it is widely used. Another combination is foxtail millet and soybean or foxtail millet and cowpea. Other people have used different millets. I tend to use foxtail, but other people prefer Japanese and some even pearl. The millets work really good, they produce a huge amount of biomass in a short time. They work really well as summer cover crops in preparation to receive fall broccoli or cabbage. Another thing that I found is crimson clover and barley. You can get huge amounts of biomass and nitrogen from crimson clover and it will come in earlier, like 3 weeks or more earlier, than hairy vetch. So you can use this for your early summer crops and we’ve been very successful.

Organic High Residue Reduced-Till Cover Cropping 2: Weed Em and Reap