Diagnostic Lab

Turfgrass Disease Diagnosis Laboratory 

Located at the Lewis-Brown Horticulture Research Farm, the OSU Turfgrass Disease Diagnostic Laboratory provides quick and accurate diagnostic information and management recommendations for turfgrass problems.  Our lab supports golf courses, commercial turfgrass managers, and homeowners.

Diagnostic Services
  • Visual diagnosis
  • Microscopic examination
  • Pathogen culturing
  • Disease management recommendations
  • Diagnostic results via phone or email
  • Full diagnostic report available for additional fee


 How to sample:

Pull the samples right before you are ready to ship them.

  1. Use a cup cutter, hex plug, or other implement (at least 6" diameter, and at least 3" depth).
  2. Pull a sample that represents both affected and unaffected turf, across the margin of disease (see photo below)
  3. If possible, pull a few samples that show different stages of symptom development.
  4. Take photographs of the affected area and surrounding areas to include with the sample.  The more information included, the better the diagnosis!
 Packing & Mailing:

Submit fresh samples & mail early in the week!  If a sample must wait before shipping, store in the fridge.

  1. Wrap the roots in aluminum foil, but do not wrap the leaf tissue in the foil or plastic.
  2. Wrap the whole sample in newspaper and be sure to pad the shipping container so it doesn't shift too much in transit
  3. Use a strong corrugated box that won't get crushed in transit
  4. Mail the sample early in the week via UPS, FedEx etc. (no USPS!)
  5. Complete the and enclose it with the sample, email all photos/any questions to beaverturf.lab@oregonstate.edu
Submission Forms
Please provide as much information on the form as possible, the more you provide, the better the diagnosis will be.  Either print and enclose with shipped sample, or email copy with photos to beaverturf.lab@oregonstate.edu 
About Us

Ruying (Wrennie) Wang, Ph.D, Postdoctoral Scholar: 

Dr. Wang joined the OSU Turfgrass Research team n 2019.  Prior to hire at OSU Ruying Wang completed an undergraduate degree in Crop and Soil Science at Michigan State University, and a M.S. and Ph.D in Plant Biology at the State University of Rutgers. During undergraduate degree studies at MSU Ruying worked under the direction of Dr. Joseph Vargas.  While at Rutgers Ruying worked with Dr. Murphy and Dr. Clarke on annual bluegrass disease management and endophyte and turfgrass interaction.  Current research interests and involvement include endophyte mediated disease and stress resistance, and enhancement of carbon sequestration in turfgrass management.         
Contact Wrennie


Emily Braithwaite, Faculty Research Assistant: 
Emily is a Faculty Research Assistant at Oregon State University.  She graduated from Rutgers University in 2016 with a degree in Turfgrass Management.  During her time at Rutgers, she assisted with anthracnose and dollar spot work, as well as fungicide efficacy trials.  In 2017, she moved to Oregon and joined the turfgrass group at OSU.  She now works on anthracnose and Microdochium patch, as well as IPM for Oregon schools, and other turfgrass management trials.  Emily also manages the @osubeaverturf Twitter account.
Contact Emily

Turfgrass Samples (invoiced by OSU)
$100 Disease diagnosis and consultation via email or phone call

Disease diagnosis with full report (includes cultural and chemical management recommendations)