Drought Tolerant Plants for Western Oregon
Backpack Sprayer 101: Modifications and Calibration
IPM: Mowing, Fertilization and irrigation
IPM: Weed Management with Herbicides
IPM: Turfgrass Establishment and Renovation
Mowing: 2017 Short and Sweet Basic Lawn Maintenance Mowing annotated
Mowing: 2017 Mowing long and fascinating version annotated
Irrigation: 2017 Basic Lawn Maintenance Irrigation annotated
2017 Identifying warm season turfgrasses annotated
2017 Identifying common cool season turfgrasses annotated
2017 Lawn grass adaptation and ecology annotated
2017 Lawn establishment annotated
2017 Basic Lawn maintenance Fertilization annotated
2017 Turf Culture in Shade annotated
2017 Growth and Development annotated slide show
Drought Tolerant Plants for Western Oregon Landscapes
The Hidden Costs of Skipping Lawn Irrigation
Backpack Sprayer Modification and Calibration
Weed Management: Pacific Northwest Pest Management Handbooks
Insects: Pacific Northwest Pest Management Handbooks
Low Input Turf Using Fine Fescues
Managing Microdochium Patch in Pacific Northwest Turfgrass
Irrigation Rates and Frequencies for Western and Eastern Oregon Turfgrass
Effects of Integrated Pest Management on Turf Weeds
Protecting lawns against European chafer
Integrated Pest Management: Turfgrass Maintenance
Integrated Pest Management: Turfgrass Establishment
Integrated Pest Management: Weed Control with Herbicides
Turfgrass Seeding Recommendations for the Pacific Northwest
Lawn establishment Extension Circular 1550
Efficient Lawn Irrigation in the Intermountain West
Practical Lawn Establishment and Renovation
Practical Lawn Care for Western Oregon
Retail Lawn Seed Mixtures for Western Oregon and Western Washington
Mowing Height and Fertility Regime Effects on Tall Fescue Turf in the Pacific Northwest
Field evaluation of perennial ryegrass cultivars for use with effluent water irrigation
High soil carbon sequestration rates persist several decades in turfgrass systems: a meta-analysis
Carbon Sequestration in Turfgrass–Soil Systems
Nitrogen Fertilizer and Clover Inclusion Effects on the Establishment of Fine Fescue Taxa
Optimal Fine Fescue Mixture Seeding Dates in the Northern United States
Irrigation Frequen Optimal Fine Fescue Mixture Seeding Dates in the Northern United States
Water Requirements Influenced by Turfgrass Species and Mowing Height in Western Oregon
Optimizing Irrigation Rates and Frequency for Perennial Ryegrass in Western Oregon
Evaluating Two Rainwater Harvesting Systems in an Urban Setting in Oregon’s Willamette Valley
Professional and Continuing Education Turfgrass Management Program
Whether you work for a lawn care company, manage an athletic field, landscape at a city park, work at a golf course or just want the best lawn on your block, our turfgrass management program can help you succeed. This program is also great for anyone interested in a profession that deals with lawn care. If you work for a hardware or lawn care store and field customer questions or consult with landscape architects, this course will give you the language, knowledge and skills needed to succeed.
List of courses: