Students learn horticultural principles and practices associated with nursery production. The curriculum includes courses in plant biology and genetics, soils, ecology, and economics, with applications in plant nutrition, pest management, business, and marketing.
Students learn to manage real-world dilemmas with floriculture crop projects, case studies, field trips, and internships, interacting with growers, managers, field representatives, and consultants.
Horticulture Courses
HORT 112 Introduction to Horticultural Systems, Practices and Careers
HORT 226 Landscape Plant Materials
HORT 228 Landscape Plant Materials
HORT 251 Temperate Tree Fruit, Berries, Grapes, and Nuts
HORT 255 Herbaceous Ornamental Plant Materials
HORT 300 Introduction to Crop Production
HORT 301 The Biology of Horticulture
HORT 351 Floriculture and Greenhouse Systems
HORT 430 Plant Genetics
HORT 441 Plant Tissue Culture
HORT 495 Horticultural Management Plans
OSU Forestry Courses Include:
FOR 441 Silviculture Principles
FOR 442 Silviculture Reforestation
FOR 443 Silvicultural Practices
See all Horticulture courses.
See all Forestry courses.