News and Events


December 1, 1996

Clint Shock, Erik Feibert, Greg Willison and Monty Saunders
Malheur Experiment Station
Oregon State University
Ontario, Oregon, 1996

Sweet corn and supersweet corn varieties were evaluated for agronomic and processing performance.

December 1, 1995

PROJECT LEADERS: Delbert D. Hemphill, North Willamette R&E Center, Richard Dick and John Hart, Dept. of Crop & Soil Science

COOPERATORS: John Luna and N.S. Mansour, Dept. of Horticulture, John Selker, Dept. of Bioresources Engineering; Marvin Kauffman, Soil Scientist, Neil Christensen, Crop and Soil Science, and 16 vegetable growers

December 1, 2011

Objectives and Accomplishments for 2011:

1. Conduct a seed evaluation of several fresh carrot seed lots for Xanthomonas contamination levels and test the effects of UV light, hot water, and hydrogen peroxide on seed contamination.

2. Establish a field trial to evaluate the use of UV seed disinfestation on carrot growth and disease levels using fresh seeds.

December 1, 1995


The objective of this research was to collect samples of carrot roots from soil in which ethoprop had been applied. Samples from the treated plot were to be analyzed for ethoprop residues and compared to untreated samples from the same field. The results were to be used to establish a residue tolerance level for carrots. The data collected from this field study was to become part of a petition to be submitted to EPA by IR-4 requesting that a national residue tolerance be established for ethoprop (MOCAP) in carrots.

December 1, 1996

The basic objective of the processing component of this research is to support the green bean breeding program being carried out by Dr. Jim Baggett in the Horticulture Department.

The specific objectives are:
To provide Dr. Baggett and the Oregon vegetable processing industry with frozen and canned samples of experimental green bean lines for comparison to varieties currently grown in Oregon,

To organize and conduct the industry cutting for evaluation of experimental beans, including data analysis, and

December 1, 2011


COOPERATORS: Manual Silveira and Jim Gill, NORPAC; Wayne Parker, Jason White, and Neil MacInnes, National Frozen; Jon Brown, Truitt Bros; Larry, Ron, and Molly Pearmine, Richard Haener, Mark, Mike, and Cory Dickman, Skip Gray, Oscar Lopez, Matt and Gary Cook, Karl, Nancy, and Kenny Hendricks, Tom and Sam Sweeney Farm. Technical support for this project was provided by Pami Opfer and Jose Hernandez.

December 1, 1996

Objectives: Breed bush green beans for the western Oregon processing industry with:

Improved potential for high yields at favorable sieve sizes and dependability
Improved straightness, texture, and other quality factors
Develop easy picking and small pod strains of Blue Lake type
Resistance to white mold and root rot

December 1, 2011

Processed vegetable farmers and processors have taken leadership in developing and implementing sustainability practices.

December 1, 1996


To devise regeneration systems in beans adaptable to transformation using
Agrobacterium infection.

To design and optimize conditions to deliver DNAs using particle bombardment.

December 1, 1996


Evaluate potential of using fertilizer impregnated with Goal for weed control in seeded
broccoli and cauliflower.

Improve weed control efficiency of Goal on transplanted cauliflower.

April 1, 1986

This was the fourth and last of the series of variety trials and focused on mid-maturity varieties to determine those with the best combination of yield and quality. The previous trials had established that the best quality is obtained with varieties maturing in April and early May.

The trial was seeded on July 27, and transplanted on September 3, 1982. On February 16, 1983, 35 pounds N/acre as ammonium sulfate, 40 pounds N/acre as calcium nitrate, and 100 pounds/acre of 0-45-0 was sidedressed. An additional 75 pounds N/acre as ammonium nitrate was applied on March 14.

October 1, 1982

* Growing globe artichokes from seed in western Oregon
* Strip and conventional tillage compared on bush beans and sweet corn
* Irrigation, nitrogen, and spacing affect bush bean yields
* Cultural practices affect corn head smut in 1982


May 1, 1987

Overwintered cauliflower trials at the North Willamette Station and by growers have usually given acceptable yields and quality. However, yields of early varieties, and particularly in cold springs, have occasionally been disappointing. Since plant nutrient uptake is limited on cold soils, these low yields may have been caused by inadequate availability of P or other elements.

December 31, 2007

Weed management in table beets has improved with the recent registration of Dual Magnum. Hairy nightshade control continues to be a challenge, however. Nortron (ethofumesate) herbicide is now labeled for use and will help with nightshade control, but there is very little experience in the PNW on the best use patterns for this herbicide. Another concern is carryover, particularly for fresh market producers that often plant another crop immediately after beets are harvested.

December 31, 1999



This grower trial was undertaken to determine whether residual nitrate and ammonium levels in grower fields were similar to those found in our experiments at NWREC. The data should be useful in indicating which of the major processed vegetable crops leave significant quantities of residual mineral N in the soil at harvest and the extent to which grower cultural practices, particularly fertilizer application, influence the amount of residual N that is available for leaching by heavy winter rainfall.


April 1, 1986

1. Varieties.
Winter cauliflower varieties require a cold period to induce head formation. The heads, or curd, of overwintering cauliflower are composed of true flower buds and are usually of lower density than for Snowball types in which the curd is floral primordia tissue. Stems often tend to be slightly green and flavor tends to be mild. Because of the low density and tendency to break up when the stem is removed, these varieties are considered more promising for fresh market than for processing.

December 31, 1998


April 1, 1981

The purpose of these experiments was to determine the effect of a commercial cytokinin preparation on yield and quality of several Willamette Valley horticultural crops. Atlantic and Pacific Research, Inc. manufactures a marine algae extract, containing 100 ppm kinetin, which has increased fruit and vegetable yields in several areas of the country and is registered for use on tomatoes. This product, Cytex, is stable and can be applied with standard spray equipment.


April 1, 1981

Poor stand establishment is often a limiting factor in vegetable production in the Willamette Valley. Carrots, onions, and lettuce, in particular, often fail to emerge because of soil crusting. Most small-seeded crops lack the vigor necessary to emerge when resisted by significant soil impedance. A high degree of impedance or crusting (also known as soil mechanical resistance) is caused by breakdown of soil particle aggregates. Several treatments exist which may reduce the breakdown of aggregates.

April 1, 1986

As a result of the variety and planting date trials described above, overwintered cauliflower is now considered a crop of proven potential in the Willamette Valley. Trials at the North Willamette Station and by growers have usually given acceptable yields and quality. However, yields of early varieties, and particularly in cold springs, have occasionally been disappointing. Since plant nutrient uptake is limited on cold soils, these low yields may have been caused by inadequate availability of P or other elements.

December 31, 2000

This report summarizes the third year of research to improve management of cabbage maggot. The cabbage maggot, Delia radicum, is a chronic pest problem in Willamette Valley cauliflower. Current management of this pest relies exclusively on prophylactic chemical applications; usually with Lorsban. This study has included investigation of cabbage maggot life cycles, evaluation of treatment practices and evaluation of sampling techniques for making management decisions.

May 1, 1987

Higher yields and improved root quality are essential for processing carrot growers to remain competitive. Nitrogen fertilizer applications range from 50 to 150 pounds N/acre with most between 50 and 80 pounds. More research is needed to clarify yield response to nitrogen, especially at higher rates, and the influence of N on such root characteristics as diameter, length, splitting, and rots. The response to N should be investigated at plant densities typically used for slicing and dicing.

February 1, 1987

Overwintered vegetable crops, planted in July through October and harvested the following spring, offer several advantages to both fresh market and traditional row crop growers.

August 1, 2011


Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife, The State of Oregon, & NOAA. 2011. Upper Willamette River Conservation & Recovery Plan for Chinook Salmon & Steelhead: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife. 


Statesman Journal map of Chinook on N. Santiam


January 1, 2006

With the creation of this Oregon Conservation Strategy, by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Oregon has its first overarching state strategy for conserving fish and wildlife. The Conservation Strategy is an effort to use the best available science to create a broad vision and conceptual framework for long-term conservation of Oregon’s native fish and wildlife, as well as various invertebrates and native plants.The Oregon Conservation Strategy provides information about at-risk species and habitats, identifies key issues affecting wildlife and recommends specific actions.

December 1, 2010

Research Objectives
1. Determine the potential of controlling nutsedge in sweet corn with HPPD herbicides in combination with other products.
2. Determine sweet corn tolerance to HPPD herbicides combined with chloroacetamide herbicides such as Dual Magnum and with other herbicides targeting nutsedge.

December 31, 2002

1. Efficacy of Vapam for control of weeds, insects and diseases in sweet corn

2. Impact of irrigation level on corn and disease


March 1, 2004

Describes the causes and disease cycle of sweet corn root rot diseases, including the infection process and symptom development. Color photos illustrate symptoms at various stages of plant growth. Explains how to evaluate a field's risk for root rot development.
Beth Hoinacki, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University
Funding for this research was provided by the Oregon Processed Vegetable Commission
OSU Extension Series # EM 8859

Length: 4 pages

Published August, 1979. Reprinted January, 2000.
OSU Extension Service Series # FG 62-E


December 1, 2010


To evaluate the impact of Contans applications and reduced tillage on:
1) sclerotial survival,
2) sclerotial colonization by Coniothyrium minitans and other fungi,
3) apothecia production in the field in subsequent years, and
4) disease incidence in subsequent susceptible and moderately resistant bean crops.

Pea fertilization information for Eastern Oregon.
OSU Extension Publication Series #FG 72-E

Published January 1983. Reprinted January 2000

January 1, 2012

The Resource Innovation Group announces the release of Toward a Resilient Watershed: Addressing Climate Change Planning in Watershed Assessments. The guidebook is intended to complement or supplement a watershed assessment process by posing questions of how climate change will impact the structure and function of the watershed. The guidebook helps watershed managers understand how future climate scenarios could affect their management decisions and identifies proactive measures to improve the resilience of stream habitat and water quality.


Revised March 2006
Peter Boches, Deborah Kean, Paul Kusolwa, Jim Myers, Jack Stang

OSU Vegetable Variety Trials 2005

December 1, 2010

OPVC Grant Progress Report

The Oregon Wildlife Institute and Oregon State University Horticulture Department Faculty have been collaborating in the development of tools and materials to assist growers understand wildlife conservation issues in the Willamette Valley and identify wildlife management opportunities on their own farms.

July 1, 2011

Food-borne illness linked to pathogens in meat, processed food, and produce has led to increased attention to food safety issues at all points along the supply chain, including the farm. Farmers can produce safe food without sacrificing responsible on-farm conservation measures, such as maintaining riparian habitat or other non-crop vegetation. By using risk assessment strategies and explaining their rationale for management decisions to include conservation measures, farmers can more effectively advocate for their farming practices with buyers and food safety auditors.

January 1, 1996


Vegetable growers in the Willamette Valley use high rates of nitrogen fertilizers, often exceeding 250 to 300 pounds actual N/acre per season. While growers believe that these rates are necessary to achieve maximum yields and quality, a considerable portion of the applied fertilizer is not taken up by the crop. This has raised concerns that the remaining N may be contributing to nitrate pollution of groundwater. Improved efficiency of nitrogen management may be possible if the fertilizer could be placed for maximum contact with the root system.