Empowering individuals to create healthy, inspiring, and beautiful landscapes is a cornerstone of the Department of Horticulture's commitment to Ecological and Environmental Landscapes. With a green industry that employs nearly 9,000 people in 1,100 businesses on 54,000 acres that are valued at $500 million annually, landscapes and landscaping are highly prized by Oregonians.
Outreach & Extension
Our public education programs enable Oregonians to make informed decisions about their landscapes. Some faculty teach sustainable practices at green industry seminars from Portland to Bend, while others coordinate Master Gardener volunteers in 28 Oregon counties. Each year, OSU Master Gardeners reach nearly two million Oregonians via public media and websites to promote gardening, preserve our environment, and contribute volunteer services.
Our public education programs enable Oregonians to make informed decisions about their landscapes. Some faculty teach sustainable practices at green industry seminars from Portland to Bend, while others coordinate Master Gardener volunteers in 28 Oregon counties. Each year, OSU Master Gardeners reach nearly two million Oregonians via public media and websites to promote gardening, preserve our environment, and contribute volunteer services while the OSU Permaculture Design program educates people around the globe through their PACE courses.
Turf trials examine the best grasses and mixes, water and fertilizer management practices, and turf performance in surrounding landscapes. Other research helps people select plants for fire prevention, drought tolerance, stream-side ecology, and personal well-being. Trials also address weed control, mulching, irrigation, nutrition, and landscape management.
Students learn contemporary, cutting-edge technologies as they design, install, and manage environmentally sound landscapes for homes, businesses, parks, and watersheds. Our students use their strong background in plant biology, genetics, soils, ecology, plant nutrition, pest management, business, and marketing to investigate and solve horticultural problems.
Case studies, field trips, and internships take our students out of the classroom and into communities. Site assessment, construction, planting, and management are all in a day’s work for our students.