
Photo Person Contact Information Specialty Area
Christopher Adams
Assistant Professor
Contact person by email Tree Fruit Entomology
Nicholas Andrews Nick Andrews
Professor (Practice)
Contact person by email Organic Vegetable Extension
Marisha Auerbach
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Brittany Barker
Assistant Professor (Senior Research)
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Pest risk mapping, population dynamics, ecological genetics, and biological invasions
Aaron Becerra-Alvarez
Assistant Professor
Contact person by email Weed Science in vegetables and specialty seed crops
Neil Bertrando
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William Blanchard
Instructor, Curator of Living Plant Collections for OSU Campus Arboretum
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Devon Bonady
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Cassie Bouska
Associate Professor (Practice)
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Charles Bubl
Associate Professor
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Consults on organic or conventional horticultural crops and livestock.

Kristine Buckland Kristine Buckland
Associate Professor
Contact person by email Sustainable agriculture, Soil health, Nutrient cycling, and Agricultural systems analysis
Erica Chernoh
Assistant Professor (Practice)
Contact person by email Berries and Fruit; Fruit Trees; Organic Agriculture
Ryan Contreras
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Landscape Plant Breeding
Leonard Coop
Associate Professor (Practice)
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I support agriculture in general by developing and placing online, weather and climate driven models for numerous areas including IPM/pest models, plant disease risk models, crop models, horticultural models, beneficial species models, climate suitability models, and others. I am Assoc....

Cody Copp
Assistant Professor (Practice)
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Extension educational programming and applied research for commercial horticulture producers (wine grapes, tree fruit, vegetables) in Umatilla County

Wanda Crannell Wanda Crannell
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  • Teaches and advises BioResource Research interdisciplinary undergraduate research students
  • Co-advises MANRRS & SACNAS clubs, facilitating fundraising events and conference attendance
  • Develops and implements programming for USDA grants
Signe Danler
Senior Instructor I
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I support the OSU Extension Master Gardener Program by teaching and managing the online Extension MG training course. I use my experience and training in home horticulture, ecological landscaping and urban forestry to create and teach modules on many subjects for home gardeners. I also design...

Surendra Dara
Contact person by email
Integrated pest management, microbial control, and biologicals
Laurent Deluc
Associate Professor
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Genomics and genetic engineering in crops
Amy Jo Detweiler
Contact person by email

I supervise and provide training for the local master gardener program. I work with volunteers to provide community education in home gardening and landscaping. I also provide education to the commercial green industry. 

My main areas of research include educating the community about...

Emily Dixon Emily Dixon
Contact person by email

I develop and support online berry classes, including the Pruning and Training of Berries, Kiwifruit, and Grapes series; Blueberry Physiology, Production Systems, and Management; and HORT 456/556: Physiology and Production of Berry Crops. I also produce extension outreach publications for ...

Brooke Edmunds
Associate Professor (Practice)
Contact person by email

My focus is on meeting the community horticulture needs in Marion, Polk, Linn, and Benton counties. In this role, I oversee the Master Gardener volunteer programs in each county. I also coordinate research-based educational programs in community food systems and Integrated Pest Management. 

Alice Formiga
Assistant Professor (Practice)
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Alice Formiga leads the eOrganic Community of Practice at http://eorganic.org

Kelsey Galimba
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Galimba's research program encompasses all aspects of both pear (Pyrus communis) and sweet cherry (Prunus avium) orchard production systems, with specific emphasis on optimizing yield and fruit quality in these two crops. Current projects include the development of a...

Louisa Hooven
Assistant Professor (Sr Res)
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Alec Kowalewski
Contact person by email

Turf Program Overview 

The primary goal of my extension and outreach program, which is funded by the Giustina Turf Endowment, is improving the environmental and economic sustainability of turfgrass management.  Topics of interest related to this include, utilization of sustainable...

Gail Langellotto
Contact person by email
Urban Insect Ecology: garden pollinators, native plants, urban agriculture
Alec Levin Alexander Levin
SOREC Director and Viticulturist
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Viticulture, plant water relations, woody perennial physiology, fruit ripening biochemistry
Deanna Lloyd
Senior Instructor I
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I teach classes for the Sustainability Double-Degree Program and the Department of Horticulture - both on the Corvallis campus and through Ecampus.  My instructional duties also include coordination of service-learning projects for large undergraduate courses (SOIL 205, SUS 350, and SUS 304...

Scott Lukas
Northwest Berry Production and Management Professor
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Dr. Scott Lukas is an Associate Professor holding the Endowed Professorship for Northwest Berry Production and Management.  This position is responsible for the design, development, implementation and evaluation of statewide research, Extension, and teaching programs focused on physiology and...

Maud Macrory Powell
Associate Professor (Practice)
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Small Farms
Leslie Madsen
Statewide Master Gardener Prog Mgr
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Shawn Mehlenbacher
Oregon Hazelnut Ind. Professor
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The OSU Hazelnut Breeding program develops new cultivars for Oregon's hazelnut industry, with an emphasis on resistance to eastern filbert blight (EFB) and suitability for the kernel market.
Andony Melathopoulos
Associate Professor
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Pollinator Health
Betsey Miller
Senior Instructor I
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Ecampus Instructor (ENT 300); Small Fruit IPM; Hazelnut IPM
Andrew Millison
Senior Instructor II
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Permaculture for climate change resilience, water management for broad scale farm planning, Permaculture housing developments, and water law for obtaining water rights in Oregon.

Marcelo Moretti
Associate Professor
Contact person by email Weed Science
James Myers
Contact person by email

We develop improved vegetable varieties with the main focus being to support gardeners, growers and processors in the Pacific Northwest (PNW).

This region of the United States has a unique growing environment, and varieties developed elsewhere may not necessarily be optimally adapted...

Lloyd Nackley
Associate Professor
Contact person by email My research and teaching program investigates how light, nutrients, water, potting media and container-type, affect plant growth, development, and aesthetics.
Mykl Nelson II
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Tao Orion
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Ed Peachey
Courtesy Appointment
Contact person by email Weed and pest management in commercial vegetable production
Beth Rowan
Courtesy Appointment
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Ramesh Sagili
Contact person by email

To promote sustainable apiculture and pollination, our research program focuses on three prime areas: (1) honey bee health (2) honey bee nutrition and (3) honey bee pollination. Our research program addresses both basic and applied questions to improve honey bee health and...

Nicole Sanchez
Associate Professor (Practice)
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Home and Small-scale Commercial Horticultural Production and Management Issues

Lane Selman
Assistant Professor (Practice)
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Lane Selman grew up on a citrus farm on Florida's space coast where her Sicilian great-grandparents settled in the 1920s.  She has a Bachelors degree in Agronomy and a Masters in Entomology, both from the University of Florida.  She moved to Oregon in 2001 and since 2005 has been an...

Alan Shay
Senior Instructor I
Contact person by email

My area of focus within the Horticulture Department is sustainable horticultural solutions for the residential and commercial landscape.

I currently teach Landscape Design, (Hort 380), Landscape Maintenance, Conservation and Restoration, (Hort 315), Sustainable Landscape Construction...

Govinda Shrestha
Assistant Professor (Practice)
Contact person by email Integrated Pest Management; Insect Ecology-Movement
Patricia Skinkis
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I conduct applied viticulture research with focus on canopy and yield management, rootstocks, vine nutrition, soil x plant interactions, vineyard sustainability, and grower adoption of viticulture practices.
Cara Still
Instructor and Faculty Research Assistant
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Dr. S. Patricia Stock S. Patricia Stock
Department Head and Professor
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Tim Stock
Senior Instructor II
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  • Integrative Extension Program Development
  • Participatory Training and Assessment
  • Capacity Building
  • Integrated Pest Management (Schools, Sensitive Sites, Agriculture)

Currently leading the OSU School IPM Program, which works with...

Alexandra Stone
Academic Wage Appt - Salaried
Contact person by email

I have been investigating the use of the biological control agent commercially available as Contans (Coniothyrium minitans) as a control for white mold of vegetables, especially snap beans grown by processed vegetable growers. This project has been supported by grants from Western...

Heather Stoven
Associate Professor (Practice)
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Small Farms, Community Horticulture
Ashley Thompson
Assistant Professor

Kelly Vining
Associate Professor
Contact person by email Genomics approaches to crop improvement
Vaughn Walton
Contact person by email
  • Entomology
  • Ecology
  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
  • Biorational pest control agent
  • Biological control
  • Small fruit and tree nut crops

I work on economically important pests, with the aim to provide...

Timothy Warren
Assistant Professor
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Nik Wiman Nik Wiman
Associate Professor
Contact person by email biological control; population biology; orchard ecology; insect behavior; integrated pest management
Wei Yang Wei Yang
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My responsibility is to provide leadership for the blueberry education program in the North Willamette District where the most of the state’s blueberry industry is concentrated. I also conduct applied research in blueberry production systems to support my extension activities.
